Broken Mirror

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Pirates from the "Terran Empire" or "Mirror Universe" are raiding outposts and science ships. As more technology disappears, the Calypso is tasked to work with a special ops team to find out who's behind the thefts and stop them.

Start Date Mon Jun 5th, 2023 @ 10:07am

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Title Timeline Location
Beyond A Stressful Workout
by Commander Joren Tal & 1st Lieutenant Kara Melo
Immediately after "A Stressful Workout" Calypso Holodeck
Waiting For Answers And Tying Up Loose Ends
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
A Stressful Workout
by 1st Lieutenant Kara Melo & Commander Joren Tal & Captain Cameron Bourne
Calypso Holodeck
Nark or Duty?
by Lieutenant Bela Swain & Commodore Samantha York
After interrogating the prisoner Captain's Ready Room
Eye In the Sky (Part III)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Bela Swain & Ensign Tallas Shirol & Ensign Kela Sirel
Interrogating "The Lost" (Part IV)
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Bela Swain
Calypso Brig
Marine XO reporting to the Big Boss
by Commodore Samantha York & Captain Cameron Bourne
CO's Ready Room
Return of the old guard
by 1st Lieutenant Kara Melo & Captain Cameron Bourne
Shuttlebay, USS Calypso
Interrogating the Lost (Part III)
by Commodore Samantha York
Calypso Brig
Eye In the Sky (Part II)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Ensign Tallas Shirol & Ensign Kela Sirel
Interrogating The Lost (Part II)
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Bela Swain
Calypso Brig
Interrogating the Lost (Part I)
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Bela Swain
Where Oh Where Has the Scientist Gone (Part IV)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe
Where Oh Where Has the Scientist Gone (Part III)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe
Just Hanging Out
by Senior Chief Petty Officer Helga (Hel) Lowe & Chief Warrant Officer Jemner & Crewman Juranne Doltsy
Eye In the Sky (Part I)
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Dwight McCabe & Lieutenant Bela Swain & Captain Daniel Rye & Ensign Kela Sirel
Where Oh Where Has the Scientist Gone? (Part II)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Aenar Torek
Where Oh Where Has the Scientist Gone? (Part I)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Penelope Bardot-Jannetty Ph.D & Lieutenant Aenar Torek
After "The Inventor"
Looking for the Inventor
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant JG Ronnie Wolfe & Lieutenant Penelope Bardot-Jannetty Ph.D & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Bela Swain & Ensign Tallas Shirol & Ensign Kela Sirel
After "Second Star to the Right?"
Second Star to the Right? (Part III)
by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Verdeath Newmark & Captain Daniel Rye & Ensign Tallas Shirol
Sickbay and Bridge
Over Protective Sister
by Lieutenant Penelope Bardot-Jannetty Ph.D & Commodore Samantha York
USS Calypso | Ready Room
Second Star to the Right? (Part II)
by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Verdeath Newmark & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Bela Swain
Just a Rookie
by Crewman Juranne Doltsy
Crewman quarters; Lounge
Second Star to the Right? (Part I)
by Commodore Samantha York & Ensign Anli Targalia & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Dwight McCabe & Lieutenant Bela Swain
And a Hug for You Too!
by Lieutenant Bela Swain & Commander Joren Tal
Mess Hall

Mission Summary