Eye In the Sky (Part II)
Posted on Sat Dec 21st, 2024 @ 9:34am by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Ensign Tallas Shirol & Ensign Kela Sirel
1,313 words; about a 7 minute read
Broken Mirror
Location: Calypso
"Bridge to Lieutenant Mackey," Sam said, "Please confirm if those ships are hostile. I don't want to shoot someone who may not be working with the pirates." Although she was pretty sure they were. But, since the Prowler had more information on pirate activities, she wanted to double check.
"What you are looking at, Commodore, is a group of mercenaries that go by the moniker The Lost." Mackey replied over the coms. "They are, more or less, hired guns in the other universe. Mainly former Terrain Officers and other fallen groups coming together to relive their glory days and getting something in return. Whether that's money, information, or technology is anyone's guess. They've been known to work with little to no details so we can't promise they will be helpful, but their ships aren't that formidable. So, they may be here to provide an escape. They won't confront us because they know they'll lose so don't expect them to make the first move."
"Good to know," Sam said. She glanced at her data screen. "However, they have raised their shields and activated their weapons, so this particular group may have another goal."
"If they are coming to us to attack then, in my opinion, they don't have what we are looking for." Mackey replied over the comms. "They are the distractions. If they are involved in this, in anyway, they wouldn't risk a confrontation like this. That could just as easily be giving another an opening to flee. That ship will be the one we want. Look for a second ship."
"Good to know, Mackey. Thank you. Bridge out." It was what Sam already surmised, but she appreciated the confirmation.
She then turned to security. "You heard the man. They're up to something. I want to know what before it happens."
"Yes, Captain." Kela replied as she began to tap on her console. "I'll raised shields and lock on anywhere we can disable that ship." She said firmly before turning her head slightly. "Hey, Blue, can you tap into the external sensors and see if there are any ships that match the signature of the ship coming at us?"
"I'm on it, Red." Tallas replied with a smirk, only to receive a stern look from Kela. "What? You know... Red, because of your red hair?" She rolled her eyes and looked back to her console. "You called me Blue. You started it."
"Just make with the typing, Tech Girl!" Kela shouted as she looked back to the console.
"What's the status of the away team?" Sam asked. She didn't like the posturing. If it was a bluff as they assumed, she needed to know what they were protecting before any of the ships jumped to warp.
"Knight to Calypso."
Sam nodded to ops to open the communication. "This is the Calypso."
"This is Alora Knight. The scientist is gone. We found members of a group called "The Lost. We have one we're bringing aback with us. Another of their group was searching the scientist's office, but he de-materialized before we could stop him. I think he and the scientist are on a ship that will try to leave the sector."
"We'll have a look. Thank you, commander. I'd like a full report on your return. York out."
Sam turned to security. "You heard the lady. We have a missing scientist to recover. Stop those ships, but do not destroy them. Use Doctor Newmark's readings to find which ship he's on and focus on that one."
Kela tapped on the console. "Blue, use your magic to figure out what ship the scientist is on."
"Isn't that Op's job?"
"Op's can transport... you use the computer to find them." Kela replied quickly.
"Got it." Tallas replied as she turned around in her chair and began to tap on her console, pulling up both the external sensors and Doctor Newmark's readings to find a match."
Not much later, Joren entered the bridge. "Commodore. Our 'guest' is in the brig. Thought it prudent to secure him, the Knights seem well equipped to further their investigation."
"Good. I hope they can get some information. We've got one alien ship, maybe more. The Knights think the man we're looking for is on one of them." She nodded to Joren's seat. "Your timing is good. I'd like to find him before the ship jumps to warp."
Joren nodded, sat down in his seat, and took a moment flicking through the available information on his display. "Suggest targeting their propulsion, Commodore, if our main intention is to stop them from fleeing. That could leave us vulnerable to concentrated weapons fire, though."
"It will depend on how many ships we're facing." She glanced to security to see if they had a report ready yet.
"I got a match... I think." Tallas shouted with excitement as she got up from her chair and ran over to the security console, leaning over slightly towards the Commodore and Commander. "I got a 60% match to the scientist, but I can't be sure because the shields aren't weak enough on the ship." The Andorian hesitated slightly. "But, the ship I got the readings from is making their way away from the fight. If the readings I am getting from the sensors are accurate... they may be preparing to use their drive thing to go to the other universe."
"Well done." Sam smiled at the security officer. "Find that ship and see if we can transport the scientist aboard. Or if not, if we can send a team over there." She didn't like the second idea, but losing the scientist wasn't an option she wanted to consider if she had any other choice.
"I'll see what I can do, Captain." Tallas said with a large smile. The Captain was depending on her and she didn't want to let her down. She tapped away at the console, using a few tricks she has learned along the way, in order to get a few results. However, the results she got didn't get the results she needed for the Captain. "Dammit."
"What is it, Blue?" Kela asked, still focused on her console.
"I can't get an accurate reading because of their shields. The drive thingy is also giving me some kind of interference." I can't..." Tallas slammed her hands on the console. "I can't get through." The Andorian than shook her hands. "Ouch."
Kela walked away from her console and put her hand on her friend’s shoulders. "First off, don't break a nail. Second, you need to relax and focus on the problem."
Tallas brought her hand up to her face, biting her nail slightly, only to get it slapped away by Kela.
"Stop that. Focus, Sweetie." Kela said firmly.
Tallas tapped on her console, going through the results again. She brought up a more detailed analysis of the results and stared at it for a few moments before tapping frantically at the console. "I got it. If we can arm a torpedo, in a way to discharge electromagnetic radiation upon impact with the shields, we can open a temporary window which may give us enough time to lock onto the scientist. If my science is right, the EM Rads might stop them from jumping into the Mirror Universe, but I am not positive."
Kela kissed Tallas on top of her head and walked back to her console. "Captain, we may have a plan. It might take some time to prepare."
"Do what you can," Sam replied. "We'll try to hold them off. Just don't take too long."
(To be continued...)
Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso
Ensign Tallas Shirol
Ensign Kela Sirel
Commander Alora Knight
First Officer
The Prowler
Commander Joren Tal
Executive Officer
USS Calypso
Lieutenant John Mackey
Second Officer
The Prowler
Science Officer
USS Calypso