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Fri Feb 7th, 2025 @ 5:35am

Lieutenant Bela Swain

Name Bela Coreel Swain

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Risian
Planet of Origin Risa
Age 29
Birth Date 06/22/2366
Location of Quarters
Player (for PNPCs)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 100 lbs.
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color blue
Skin Color warm ivory
Physical Description Bela has warm, creamy ivory skin, long brown hair that she often ties into a ponytail, and comforting blue eyes. She is petite and rarely is seen without a smile. She often wears comfortable, stretchy, form fitting clothing.
Accent Risian


Spouse none
Wedding Date N/A
Children none
Father Cordan Swain
Mother Kmara Swain
Brother(s) Faran Swain, 40
Morthon Swain, 38
Cantar Swain, 35
Sister(s) Teela Swain, 32
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bela is generally a very happy person. She would have fit very well into the 1960s earth hippie society as she is all about peace, love, and harmony. She is extremely touchy feely and believes that touch is necessary for cures and healing. She is often most comfortable being around people and making others happy, putting their needs above her own to the extent that she might not be entirely certain who she is.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: idealistic, open-minded, patient, imaginative, charismatic, charming, and kind

Weaknesses: passive, impulsive, unassertive, and unstructured
Ambitions To bring peace and harmony to the Federation and eventually the universe.
Hobbies & Interests massage, cuddling, dance
Languages Federation Standard, Risian

Personal History Bela was not an intended child. Her parents were continuously trying for a girl but did not get one until their fourth child, when Teela was born. Having achieved their goal, no other child was planned. However, as her parents often told her, another ray of sunshine clearly was required in the universe. Her childhood was filled with joy. And, being the baby, she was generally given a great deal of whatever she wanted, which was mostly physical affection.

Her parents had run a resort on Risa, so she saw many aliens come and go. She wondered why others coming to Risa were so unhappy and tense. Her observations led her to the conclusion that touch in all of its forms were healing. Wanting to bring that healing to the universe rather than always having coming it to Risa, she decided to enlist in Starfleet.

Starfleet was quite the education for Bela. She found that she had a great deal of suitors seeking her for jamaharon. While she was not opposed to the idea, she was not going to do something so highly spiritual and exhausting on a daily basis. Besides, it was not as if she was displaying a horga'hn constantly. So, she found other ways to assist them, even if it was just ordinary sex. After all, physical pleasure was healing.

She took this theory out of the Academy and sought her PhD in Psychology at Stanford University. She was an apt student and her theories were met with a mix of skepticism and interest but after a mere 2.5 years, she earned her PhD and began her career in earnest in Starfleet.

Wherever Bela has gone in Starfleet, she has been universally welcomed by the crew; however, Captains have found her somewhat distracting as their crews constantly sought her (literally) touchy, feely remedies. Therefore, she found herself getting great reviews and promotions but at the same time being transferred from ship to ship.
Education 2384-2387 Starfleet Academy
2387-2389 Post Doctorate in Psychology at Stanford University
Service Record 2390 - 2391 Ensign, USS Jaguar
2391 - 2392 Lieutenant JG, USS Ferrari
2392 - 2393 Lieutenant JG, Assistant Chief Counselor, USS Gladiator
2393 - 2395 Internal promotion to Lieutenant and Chief Counselor, USS Raptor
2395 - present Lieutenant, Chief Counselor, USS Calypso