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Eye In the Sky (Part III)

Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 9:54am by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Bela Swain & Ensign Tallas Shirol & Ensign Kela Sirel
Edited on on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 9:57am

1,308 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Broken Mirror
Location: Calypso


Tallas tapped on her console, going through the results again. She brought up a more detailed analysis of the results and stared at it for a few moments before tapping frantically at the console. "I got it. If we can arm a torpedo, in a way to discharge electromagnetic radiation upon impact with the shields, we can open a temporary window which may give us enough time to lock onto the scientist. If my science is right, the EM Rads might stop them from jumping into the Mirror Universe, but I am not positive."

Kela kissed Tallas on top of her head and walked back to her console. "Captain, we may have a plan. It might take some time to prepare."

"Do what you can," Sam replied. "We'll try to hold them off. Just don't take too long."


Sam opened a communication to the Prowler. "We believe the scientist is on one of the alien ships. We're considering pursuit to transport the scientist aboard or send a team there. I would prefer not to let them take him to their universe."

"Captain..." Pitbull replied over the comms. "If our readings here are correct, and they are preparing to jump, you may have a limited window to grab the scientist or get a team on board. So, if you are certain your man is on that ship, you may want to focus all power to shields and make for it. We can work something on our end, but if we don't get there in time, you'll lose your window."

"I won't send a team over until I know for sure." She didn't want to risk her people for no reason, but she did take his warning seriously. "See if you can find the scientist. I'll send a team if we verify he's there."

But Sam could add power to the shields and get closer. Just in case. "Security, increase power to the shields. Helm, I want us in transporter range."

"Captain, should I go and prepare to meet with our scientist/guest?" Bela asked.

Sam nodded. "Yes. I think your presence will be helpful." At least she might help their guest feel less like a prisoner. "Check with the Knights."

Bela beamed a vibrant smile over at Sam and headed towards the Knights. The least that she could do was to make this person feel comfortable. It was her duty.

Sam smiled back. She would love to see the face of their guest when he met Bela.

Mouth dry, Daouw began working his science console. Downloading the data on the alien vessel, he shook his head as he looked at its distinctive signature and programmed a high-resolution sensor sweep as far out as the Calypso's sensors could reach. 'Might be one, maybe two more out there,' the Tellarite said, scratching a tusk nervously. 'Their signatures are distinct, but diffuse. If they are out there, they're attempting to hide - not a cloaking device. Sensor misdirection maybe.'

"Interesting. Keep looking. I want to know where the scientist is, and I'm assuming he's on one of the ships in the back."

There was another blip of a ship on the viewscreen. "Scan them to see if our scientist is there. We can't let them jump to warp," Sam ordered.

She turned to the Marine CO. "If there is, I want a boarding party ready to go, Captain Rye."

"Perhaps we could use a high-energy tachyon beam on the warp nacelles to disable their warp drives, at least temporarily." Joren said. "Of course, I have no idea how the tech works if they're able to jump to the mirror universe, so chances are they might disappear regardless, if we're unlucky."

"Right now, all we can hope for is luck," Sam replied. "Science, prepare a tachyon beam, wide dispersal. Let's see how many nacelles we can get with that beam."

'Tachyon beam, aye,' Daouw growled as he worked his console, stubby fingers flying across them as quickly as he could. 'Triangulating ... should be good!' he whipped his head around to look at the Main Viewer as the beam pulsed out from the vessel.

The beam hit its target. And that was when they saw the smaller ship, hiding behind the others, jump to warp. "How many people are on the ship we just disabled?"

Grunting in frustration, Daouw watched the ship jump to warp, and turned his attention to the decoy he had helped snag for the Calypso. 'About six or seven. Lifeform readings are a bit diffuse - I'm not able to compensate at the moment.'

"Get a lock on to all lifeforms," Sam ordered. "If we can do so safely, drop shields just long enough to beam the crew aboard. But I expect them to attack or self-destruct, so be prepared for anything."

Just then, the shields lost power. "Get the shields back up," Sam ordered. "Open a comm channel with that ship."

"Looks like the bastards doub..." before Joren could finish the thought, the ship shook. "Dammit. Blaster hit. They were waiting for us. Shields are now up, but they snuck in a hull breach on deck 9 - blast doors are in place."

"Return fire," Sam said to security.

Then, to Joren she added, "What's the status of the crew?"

"Injuries reported on deck 9, but all life signs are accounted for. A medical triage team is already underway."

Sam nodded. "Good to hear. Now, let's take care of that ship."

As tactical worked on disabling the attacker, Joren focused on keeping an overview. From the reports of the medbay, damage reports to what was happening on the bridge, it was challenging to juggle, but Joren, having been in similar situations many times before, was used to it. Something within the scanner report caught his eye. "There's a conduit supplying both blasters with energy. If we can punch through their shields, we might be able to disable their weapons."

Working the sensor console with one hand, and tugging at a tusk with the other, Daouw grunted in satisfaction. 'Shields in sectors C and E of the enemy vessel are particularly weak - they'll need to reroute from the section protecting the conduit. A well-timed hit with a torpedo ought to finish them off.'

"Good. Fire when ready," Sam replied. "Ops, prepare to beam over any survivors. I want answers." Sam was growing increasingly frustrated. It was apparent that the scientist was on the ship that jumped away and the one remaining was a decoy meant to harass them long enough for the other ships to get away. If they could take out this one, they might still be able to follow the trail of the ones that left.

But just before they could fire their phasers, the other ship blew up. "Scan the area. Are there any other ships in the area?"


Sam sat back in her seat. This had not gone at all well. They lost the scientist and had one prisoner who may or may not have any information. "Check for cloaked ships."

A minute later, Sam was informed there were none. "Cancel red alert and send out repair teams. As soon as they're available, I want to see the Knights in my ready room." Now she had to inform Starfleet of their failure.

With a sigh, the captain stood. "Joren, you have the bridge." This whole situation felt like a trap and the Calypso flew right into it. She wasn't going to let it happen a second time.


Ensign Tallas Shirol
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Ensign Kela Sirel
Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

The Prowler

Lieutenant Bela Swain
Chief Counselor
USS Calypso

Commander Joren Tal
Executive Officer
USS Calypso

Science Officer
USS Calypso


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