Where Oh Where Has the Scientist Gone (Part IV)
Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 9:43am by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Joren Tal & Lieutenant Commander Damion Wolfe
Edited on on Sat Dec 21st, 2024 @ 9:20am
1,088 words; about a 5 minute read
Broken Mirror
Location: Planetside
"M-m-m-my name is Ethan Ross." He said, stumbling on his words. "You can't let him take me. There has to be something you can do?"
"Oh... once I use Section 15, Paragraph A of the Planetary Security Act, this is little he can do." Alex said quickly, turning Ethan's head to face him, as he continued. "Isn't that right, Commander? There is only one way to take Section 15, Paragraph A, off the table and you clearly don't know it."
Ethan looked back to Joren and pleaded with him. "What is it? You have to help me here?"
Just then, someone fired at the group.
Joren immediately pushed the unknown man down to the ground, using this momentum to drop down himself as well. "Get down!" He shouted, before returning fire into the tree line, not yet able to look around whether anyone got hit with the initial shot.
The firefight continued for a bit, streams of weapons fire going back and forth, until suddenly the weapons fire from the other side stopped. There was a silence in the area, before it was broken by the sound of someone approaching the group.
The man held his hands in the air, holding a staff type weapon, unfamiliar to everyone but Alora. It was the same kind of weapon her and her husband Alex were gifted by their team. As the figure approached, it was revealed it was Alex, a slight smirk on his face. "You guys seem busy... should I come back?"
"Nah. They don't seem to be the A team," Alora said, grinning at her husband. "They're either scouts or the team left behind to wait for someone like us."
She looked from Alex to Joran. "Should we send them back to the ship and see if the scientist is around?"
Alex just smirked, not that the man wasn't focused on him, as he locked eyes with Joren again. Wondering where he would take their game with the pirate.
There was a momentary confusion in Joren's eyes, as he also never heard of this planetary security act. That is, until he saw Alex smirk in the corner of his eyes. "Sir, as long as I detain this man under the Starship Protection Delegate, I would declare this man a danger to my ship, only to be released as and when the Captain declares it is safe to do so. This overrides the Planetary Security Act as long as this man is on the ship declaring the Starship Protection Delegate." If Alex could talk bull, so could Joren.
"I think we should send him up to the ship where we can have a proper talk with him," Alora interjected. She wanted to find the scientist--if he was still here--and she wanted to get off the planet before more of the Lost showed up.
Alex patted Ethan on the chest slightly and smile almost devilishly. "I look forward to that conversation." He looked over to Joren and pushed Ethan away towards him. "He's all yours Commander." He said in almost a disappointed tone. To the Lost member, he could have been disappointed he didn't get his way, but in reality it was less that the Commander didn't catch on to what Alex was trying to do. It might not have been his fault. Alex didn't exactly hint at what he was doing so there would have been no way Joren would have picked up on it quick enough.
She checked her tricorder again. "The woods look clear. I'd like to see if the scientist is still here. Anyone want to come with me?" She didn't like going off alone, but she didn't want to give any other rebels a chance to kill him.
When no one responded, Alora checked her tricorder again and headed into the woods to check out the scientist's house. She moved as silently as she could in the woods and kept close to the trees. She stopped before she entered the clearing to again take readings and listen.
Having his full focus on the Lost member, he had missed Alora slip away. A moment of confusion hit him, then slight panic, before his heart settle and he remembered Alora was resourceful. Still, it wouldn't hurt to follow up on what she was doing. Alex eased away and tracked her movements, following close behind until she reached the clearing. Slowly, he walked up behind her, until he finally spoke up. "See anything you like?"
Alora smiled. "Not yet, but you're still behind me." He was good, but she had been aware that he was coming. And she was also aware that it was Alex. He had a way of moving that was unlike others. And she wasn't one to stun first and ask questions later.
"Good answer." He laughed softly as he approached her from behind and stopped by her side. "You have idea face? Why does my wife have idea face?"
"I decided that while the others are dealing with our guest, I was going to check out the home and see if the scientist is there or not. Care to join me?" she asked. "We can't leave until we do, and if they think we're distracted elsewhere, we might be able to learn something."
Alora continued through the trees, careful to make as little noise as she could while listening for the tell-tail sounds of humanoids. When she reached the clearing, she stopped just inside the trees and visually scanned the area and the dome in the center. Then she pulled out her tricorder and scanned.
"There's one person inside, but I don't think it's the scientist. The readings are off." She turned to Alex. "I think we should go in and find out who it is." She didn't wait to see if he was following her, but headed for the house, making sure she was on the opposite side from whoever was inside.
"I think we should wait for backup."
But Alora didn't wait. She pulled out her weapon and slipped inside. She found a man searching through a desk in what looked like an office. "Stop right there."
A moment later, he dematerialized. She turned to Alex, who had come in behind her. "I'll contact the commodore. Let's get the others and head back to the ship."
Ethan Ross
One of "The Lost"
Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
The Prowler
Lieutenant Commander Alora Knight
First Mate
The Prowler
Commander Joren Tal
Executive Officer
USS Calypso