Waiting For Answers And Tying Up Loose Ends
Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 9:33am by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Lieutenant Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M.D.
1,181 words; about a 6 minute read
Broken Mirror
Location: Various
Sam had a report to file. First, she wasn't fond of reports in general, although she knew they were necessary and often relevant. And second, because she didn't like reporting how they failed to keep one person from being kidnapped. Then again, with the number of times this particular group had been successful in stealing technology, she wasn't alone. Just frustrated.
Putting off the inevitable, she replicated a cup of té de canela and sat back in her chair. "Computer, review all data we have on our missing scientist."
Sat in his office, Torek sighed as he read the report Dawoud had filed from his time on the Bridge. It was frustrating to the man that their quarry had been allowed to escape, though he supposed there was nothing that could be done about that. He was entirely sure from the report that he would not have done anything different.
What it did mean was that the Calypso would have to be better prepared for future encounters with their adversaries. Putting the PADD in hand to one side, and picked up another with scientific analyses of their last encounter. Hopefully somewhere in the data there would be some answers for him.
It was a short time after the Commodore met with Lieutenant Swain that her door would chime again. Standing before it was the recently arrived Dr. John Ross "J.R" McEntyre. A tall slender Caitian nearing 40, he had been rushed to the Calypso after the departure of their previous medical staff. He was happy to be on a Starship again. A long time since he'd been on one, not since the Astrea. He tugged his uniform down, straightening it out, making it presentable.
Sam had just opened her file again when the door chimed. With a sigh she closed the file again. It was probably not the right time for this anyway. "Come in."
The door opened, admitting the doctor into the ready room. He steps in with confidence, pushing up his glasses before he stepped through the threshold. Stopping just before the desk he stood to proper attention.
"Commodore? Doctor John Ross McEntyre, reportin' for duty." He spoke in his Texan drawl, with just the subtle undertone of Caitian to it.
Sam raised an eyebrow at the name. It wasn't one she'd expect for a Caitian. But, it was probably something back in his family tree and she wasn't going to ask. "Hello, doctor. Welcome aboard. Please, have a seat and tell me something about yourself."
The Caitian nodded, accepting the offered chair before her desk, sitting down with grace.
"I'm glad to be here. I've been a Starfleet Surgeon for about 18 years, serving on Ships and Starbases..." He began before noticing the raised eyebrow of his new commanding officer. "You're wondering about the name aren't ya?" He asked candidly.
Sam nodded. "Actually, I am. The name better suits your accent than your species. But people in the Federation marry and move around so much you can't always rely on a name. Or what someone looks like."
J.R would chuckle a bit. “My great-grandfather Jeremiah was adopted by the granddaughter of the MACO officer Josiah McEntyre, who fought in the Romulan War. Few generations on, we still honor that legacy. Whole family been in Starfleet since the day it was founded. From about the 2250s or so it’s sort of shifted from human to Caitians but the name and the legacy is still there. I’m proud though of the legacy of my family.”
"You should be. That's quite a legacy." Sam's mother's family had been on earth for centuries, but her father was Betazoid and she didn't know much about his family past a few generations as they weren't part of any of the major houses. "So, tell me something about your last posting."
"My last posting was Deep Space 12. I was Assistant Medical Administrator and Chief of Surgical Medicine and Research. Before that, I was Assistant Chief Medical Officer of U.S.S. Astrea." J.R elaborated, professionally.
She nodded. Sam read the personnel file of all her crew, but it was often better to hear it from them. "Why did you choose medical?"
“My great great grandmother was a doctor, my great grandfather was a surgeon, my grandfather was a ship surgeon, my father was a doctor in command of a medical ship. Medicine runs in the family. I enjoy my work very much. My time on the Astrea, I assisted in pioneering a new immunisupport therapy program for a species, on DS-12, I assisted in research on the Grey Tetrahedron and Metaphasic medical treatments. Very rewarding works.”
"Yes, they are. That's an impressive legacy. I look forward to what you can accomplish on the Calypso." She paused for a moment. "Do you have any questions?"
“Mostly about the current state of affairs in your medical department, cases that need priority attention, staffing, that sort of thing. Some questions about current mission orders. Otherwise, I’m here to hit the ground running, ma’am” The doctor leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other.
"Doctor Newmark kept everything running well," Sam replied. "He ordered supplies six months ago, so you may want to see if there's anything sickbay needs. Beyond that, any of the nurses can help you. As for the mission...we need to go after a scientist that was abducted. So, you may be needed once we find him, but for now, get familiar with the ship and the crew and be ready for whatever comes next." Sam smiled. "Which is normal procedure around here."
“Understood. You shall find me ready and able when the time comes. In terms of staff, what am I looking at? Will I need to request new officers for sickbay?” The doctor asked professionally.
"That will be up to you. Two doctors and two nurses were recently transferred. If you need more personnel, let me know," Sam said in reply.
“Yes, Ma’am” the Caitian nodded in agreement.
"Then all I have to add is welcome aboard. I look forward to what you will bring to the Calypso."
"I look forward to making a positive contribution to the ship" He said, rising from his chair, pushing his glasses up on his face.
Sam nodded. She felt sure he would do well. "Thank you. I'll let you get on with meeting the crew and getting settled. Welcome aboard."
“Thank you Ma’am” J.R nods before turning on his heels and exiting the ready room.
Sam watched him go and sighed--not because of the doctor, but more for everything that went wrong and what they would have to do to get the scientist back. He had to be important or the MU mercenaries would have left him alone. While she waited for commanders Wolfe and Knight to join her, she went back to finishing her report.
Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso
Lieutenant Aenar Torek
Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso
Lieutenant Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M. D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Calypso