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Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 9:33am

Lieutenant Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M.D.

Name Dr. J.R. McEntyre, M.D.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Planet of Origin Earth
Age 37
Birth Date 05/18/2359
Location of Quarters
Player (for PNPCs)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 235
Hair Color Brown/Gray Fur
Eye Color Blue
Skin Color
Physical Description A Caitian of gruff appearance, tannish brown fur, with a thick tail.
Semi Muscular Build, and nimble hands.
Quick when they need to be due to his Caitian genetics, and catlike instincts.
They has above average hearing for a Caitian, but poorer eyesight requiring glasses to correct as he is allergic to Retinax V
Accent Texan


Spouse None
Wedding Date
Children None
Father CAPT. Charles McEntyre (retired)
Mother Reva McEntyre
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Dr. Anna-Lee McEntyre, Ph.D
Stella Elaine McEntrye - JR Twin
Other Family George McEntyre - Cousin
Col. Clay McEntyre III - Cousin (on uncles side of the family)
RADM. Elias McEntyre - Cousin
Josiah McEntyre - Second Cousin

Personality & Traits

General Overview A Self Described Old Country Doctor, J.R McEntyre is a Texan Caitian with the hands of a surgeon. He finds himself working towards the day he can retire to a cabin on a frontier work and achieve his dreams of living life like his hero Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy, who in his mind is the greatest surgeon to have lived, apart from his Great-Grandfather, Jeremiah, who was a Surgeon on a Constitution Class Starship himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Nimble hands
A general overall sense of compassion yet rigid when needed
Fast runner when patients (or CMO's lab animals) try to abscond from sickbay without permission
Animal Husbandry, He once considered being a Vet, but not many Vets in Starfleet.


Suboptimal Eyesight, Requires glasses which brings his vision to 20/20
Can be hard to awaken at times, tends to purr in his sleep
Ambitions Doin the job well. J.R. likes what he does and if he moves up while doin so, he's a very happy kitty.
He someday wants to be an Old Country Doctor, like his heroes: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, and Jeremiah McEntrye, his great grandfather
Hobbies & Interests Woodcarving
Building things
Painting Landscapes and Western Scenes
Languages Federation Standard; Caitian

Personal History A Caitian Doctor of 17 Years experience, Dr. J.R. McEntyre hails from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex of Old Texas on Earth. He was raised on a cattle ranch, where he developed his interests and aspirations first tending to the sick or wounded animals on the ranch and then to doctoring humans when he grew older.

He attended Baylor College of Medicine at 16 years old on a merit based scholarship where he ranked in the top 30 in his class, and scored well in his surgical internship and residency before attending Starfleet Academy's Officer Candidate School and gaining his commission.

J.R. has primarily served on Starships on the Frontier, a request he's made for every post. A longing to be on the last frontier, so to speak, according to him. He envisions himself as something of a Country Doctor, his Texan accent does much to help that claim, though finds him in the right mood and he's as soft as a kitten.

His first posting was to Starbase 374 as a general surgeon. A fairly uneventful assignment that only lasted several months until he was posted to the U.S.S. Excalibur in April of 2384 as Medical Officer and Surgeon during it’s six month medical relief of Acamar.

In 2385 he was stationed to the MASH unit of Starfleet's Exploration Command. Front line of several brush fire wars and skirmishes, aiding wounded soldiers and civilians near to the front line. He found the excitement exhilarating, getting to perform surgery and saving lives. Something he had dreamt of since his boyhood. Another short term assignment as MASH is stood down by the end of 2385 and the staff shuffled to new assignments.

He applied for and was granted a surgical and research fellowship aboard space station Deep Space 12 near Baku to study the Briar Patch and it’s Metaphasic properties. A fellowship that lasted for three years, and also allowing J.R to gain command experience as head of his own research section and as assistant chief surgeon at the Starbase Hospital complex.

In 2389 after the end of his fellowship term, he was transferred to the U.S.S. Astrea where he took on the role of Assistant Chief Medical Officer. After a Year aboard, he was recalled to Deep Space 12 to take the position of Assistant Administrator and Chief of Surgical Medicine to which he served a long term. Patients came to him, though he did not enjoy the admin side, his surgical skills remained sharp.

In 2396 he requested to be assigned to a starship once more and is now awaiting transfer.

In his downtime, he enjoys woodworking and painting Western Scenes. He hasn't made time for relationships but would given the right partner, finding more attracted to guys than the gals.

His Great Grandfather, Jeremiah was a Surgeon who inspired J.R. to go into medicine
Education Baylor College of Medicine - Texas, Earth
Service Record Late 2383 - Graduation from OCS, assigned to frontline combat vessel USS Mellony as Junior Surgeon.

Jan - April 2384 - Assigned to SB 375, General Surgeon

May -December 2384 - Assigned to USS Excalibur Medical Officer/Surgeon, Commended for Actions during Medical Relief of Acamar

Jan 2385 Assigned to Starfleet MASH Units, positioned near Chintaka

Late 2385 MASH ordered stood down

2386-2389 - Surgical Fellowship at DS 12

2389-2390 - U.S.S. Astrea - Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Chief Ship's Surgeon

2390-2396 - Assistant Administrator/Chief of Surgical Medicine - Deep Space 12

2396 - U.S.S. Calypso (Pending Reassignment)