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Another Day, Another Briefing (part 3)

Posted on Fri Oct 17th, 2014 @ 7:50am by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Mira Jayna & Colonel Damon Raine & Lieutenant Ilse Frost & Lieutenant Roberta Andrews & Lieutenant Ignatz Jones & Captain Cameron Bourne & Admiral Maximilian 'Max' Hunter & Commander Hans Munich & Ensign Kela Sirel & Lieutenant JG Teenah Spartacus
Edited on on Fri Oct 17th, 2014 @ 8:15am

1,101 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Deadly Diplomacy



"If this were a class..." Frost's eye twinkled with mischievous humor as her cheeky side came out, it used to get her in trouble in the Academy who knew what it would do here. "I would say yes Ma'am I could enlighten you about the delicate procedures and how they occur to slice open a dead body or how whip marks are excruciating to the patient and how psychological barrage on a frequent basis such treatment tends to wear on a person if treated that way regularly not just psychologically but physically as well. Instead I will respond with No, Commodore I have nothing to add at this time." With that Ilse smiled at the woman and took a sip of her tea and thought to herself ~~Frost, shut you mouth. That is twice in one day. All in the same meeting.~~


Andrews looked from Frost to Sam and back again, an eyebrow raised.

Damon winced for the new doctor. She couldn't know that most of the people in this very room had experienced torture first hand. Besides their histories before joining the Calypso, most of the crew had to endure the mines, and more recently the arena. He was sure that he wasn't the only one who still woke up in the middle of the night with nightmares about it. Once the doctor had a chance to read over the medical histories of the crew she would understand the sensitive nerve she had struck. It wasn't something to be cheeky about.

Ignatz covered his eyes, ~Can't take your own advice in a room with this many telepaths, including your CO, you'll be lucky if she doesn't throw you in the brig for serious insubordination. And if you want to start talking about whips and how they feel, There are enough people in the room who have felt them well enough, as the remaining scars on my back remind me.~

~~ I know, I know and I meant no disrespect concerning whips. ~~ Frost exhaled softly even though she still had the stupid grin on her face and took a sip of tea to help her calm herself. The woman with the whip marks had unnerved her.

"There are more than a few of us who have first-hand experience with torture and psychological barrage, Doctor," Sam replied, pretending to ignore the undercurrents in the room. "It is not a subject you should joke about. Sending a complete report of your findings to me, Ensign Sirel and Admiral Hunter will be sufficient."

"Aye Captain." Frost made two notes, one to send the informtion, two to not sit next to Andrews during staff meetings anymore. Ilse grinned again a slight flickering grin and hid it in her tea and tried not to think of anything at all.

Sam turned to Intel and Security, who were lurking in the back of the room. "I would like the shields modulated on a regular basis. Change all codes on the ship, including mine. I don't want a repeat of what happened earlier."

Spartacus sat quietly trying to keep her own mind clear; the images of the Ferengi power whips on a low setting still stung on her body, no clothing to even absorb any of the shock. She hated whips, the man on the rena found out how much when she downed him in no time flat.

"I've already started the process, Captain. I will have your new codes to you as soon as I can." Sirel said with a nod and slight smile. She dealt with security breeches before and knew already that changing of the codes was something that was a given.

Hunter looked over before speaking up firmly. "With all due respect to your current Intel Department and Lieutenant Mira, I already made contact with a Intelligence Officer whom I feel will be an asset to this current situation. He and his team should be arriving shortly."

"Thank you, Ensign Sirel," Sam said. Then she turned to Max. "And they are?"

Jayna raised an eyebrow. About time she thought to herself. Although she didn't think LeBeau was the best person for the job. SHe knew as much as he did on the subject, still, Logan might be a very good addition to the team.

"Lieutenant Rembrandt LeBeau and his assistant Logan. They will be arriving on the Horus, an prototype shuttle. It's a Delta Flyer with a working Intel lab, equipment, and Artificial Intelligence. I am require to make not that this prototype is for mission use only and both Mister LeBeau, Logan, and from what I am told, Miss Mira have access to it. If someone else is to be aboard, one of them, must be with them at all times. The AI is designed to deal with unauthorized personnel, so I recommend extreme caution." Hunter said as he looked around the room before focusing on Sam.

"Thank you, Admiral. That will be of great help," Sam said.

"Is there anything else to report?" she asked the room at large.

Ignatz hung his head, he had JUST managed to learn the new code they had assigned him, and here they were, changing it again. He wondered which god he has slighted that was taking it's revenge on him. ~It could always have been worse.~

"Yes, and it still can," Sam thought, replying to Ignatz' telepathic comment. Her tone was teasing as she hoped to lighten the mood.

"Ensign Sirel," Sam said, addressing the security officer, "go over the bodies for anything that will help in your investigation before they're cremated and sent back. Lieutenant Mira and Admiral Hunter, work with her. You know what I'm looking for."

Kela looked over to Mira with a nod. "What about the officers the Admiral is expecting?"

"I don't think you need to worry about them, Ensign. Lieutenant Mira is already familiar with their style and work. You two should have no problem getting accustom to how they think and work." Max gave a slight smirk before finishing his sentence. "Just don't let the little one get on your nerves too much."

"If he does, feel free to give him a good, swift kick," Jayna commented.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Ilse Frost
Acting Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Roberta Andrews
Chief Science Officer

Colonel Damon Raine
Mission Advisor

Lieutenant Ignatz Jones
Chief Diplomat

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer

Ensign Teenah Spartacus

Ensign Kela Sirel
Acting Chief Security Officer

Admiral Maximilian Hunter
Starfleet Intelligence

Lieutenant JG Mira Jayna
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer


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