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Fri Jun 19th, 2015 @ 6:50am

Lieutenant Ignatz Jones

Name Ignatz Jones

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Second Position Chaplain

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian/Betazoid
Planet of Origin Risa
Age 34
Birth Date
Location of Quarters
Player (for PNPCs) Ignatz Jones

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 180 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Skin Color Black
Physical Description Once was heavily muscled and tightly built, but has been slacking off lately and is starting to fall out of shape. There are still a few scars remaining on his back and sides, though most have been healed, from his mistreatment at the hands of the mirror universe's equivalent of Star Fleet.
Accent Risan


Spouse n/a
Wedding Date
Children n/a
Father unknown - raised by Guar Mizzlestep (Ferengi)
Mother unknown - raised by Jirath Leonis (Caitian)
Other Family Sorta- Iggy Panthera, his normal universe counterpart. They have met but do not get alone, Ignatz finding Iggy to walk too much in the dark and Iggy thinking Ignatz a sanctimonious buffoon.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ignatz has changed over the years since he escaped from the Mirror Universe to our own. Where before he was introverted, he has learned to be more open to friendships and comraderie than he was before. He still has a lot of secrets, but has learned that sometimes secrets cannot be kept when they endanger others.
Strengths & Weaknesses Unlike most Betazoid half-breeds, his empathic powers were not strengthened from the bonding. While he can get a general feel for the emotions and biases of people (including those with Quad-brains like the Ferengi and Breen), their actual thoughts will never be readable by them. His senses are also a little duller than those of a full bred Caitian, but he has learned to use them in conjunction with the betazoid powers. The hunter instincts and (though lessened) senses of the Caitian coupled with the psionics (again lessened) of the Betazoid make him an innate lie detector. While he has an increased endurance from most Caitians and Betazoids (Because he has been tortured so often in the past), his strength is actually rather low for the same reasons.
Ambitions Ignatz is, as he was, seeking enlightenment, and takes joy in bringing happiness to others. While he greatly enjoys the counseling of others as one of his duties as a priest, he has been happy to learn the rites and rituals or other religions within and without the Federation. He seeks to bring if not enlightenment, at least to bring people's mind closer to a peaceful state.
Hobbies & Interests His priestly duties tend to fall into this category, and he has training from both universes as to the counseling aspects of this role. He also appreciates musics of many types. While he can play the violin quite well, he abandoned it shortly after his 16th birthday as his mane kept getting caught in the strings. He continues to play a modified saxaphone (longer bridge from the mouth to the valves).
Languages Federation standard, Latin, Bajoran, Risan, bits and pieces of others

Personal History Raised by the monks on Ceta Tauri (Mirror Universe), he is a follower of "The Truth", more of a philosophy than a deific religion. His younger life was somewhat of a blur, being spoon fed the doctrine and dogma of the religion, his innate abilities forced him to pick and choose from what he was taught, though he learned it all fairly verbatim, some "Truths", he learned, were not the truth at all, but mere words that had nothing to do with the actual Truth.

Shortly after being ordained, he was sent out to be a wanderer, spreading the word while he travelled. Truth be told, his innate abilities made those of the central order feel threatened, as a true believer among false prophets often does.

He was less than a year into his travels when he was captured by the USS Cairo, and became the Captain's pet. At best guess, he suffered through 5 years under these circumstances before the Cairo came in contact with it's Mirror Twin. During the time these two ships were in contact, Ignatz encountered his Mirror Twin Iggy. While Iggy was a less than savory character at the time, he still managed to smuggle Ignatz onto this Universe's Cairo before they returned to their home universe.

The physical state of Ignatz's body was quite a mess, and he was transfered to the USS Pasteur for recovery. During his recovery he learned that almost everything he knew was backwards here from how it was in the mirror universe, and that medical ships weren't used for torture and interrogation like they were where he was from. Once he was made to understand that he wasn't going to be tortured to death, his recovery finally began.

Once released, he managed to make it back to Earth and applied to Star Fleet Academy. After many discussions over his... Unusual background... He was provisionally allowed entry. While older than most Cadets (22) his unusual experiences and genuine concern made him somewhat popular. It was in his second semester that he decided to declare his major as Diplomatic Corp, though with a Counseling Minor.

After stationed on the Carthage for a year, he was transferred to the USS Shiloh to serve as Chief Diplomatic Officer

Eventually, he felt the calling of his soul and when he finished his tour of duty on the Shiloh, he requested re-assignment to the Starfleet corp of Chaplins and was transferred to the USS Nimitz.

He was surpised when a year later he was transferred again to the USS Calypso
Service Record 4 Years - Starfleet Academy
4 Years - Diplomatic Aid - USS Hooke
2 Years - Assistant Diplomatic Liason - Chronos, Klingon Empire
4 Years - Assistant Diplomatic Officer - USS Ventura
1 Year - Chief Diplomatic Officer - USS Carthage
2 Years - Chief Diplomatic Officer - USS Shiloh
Present - Chaplin - USS Nimitz