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When Push Comes To Shove, part 5

Posted on Mon Sep 20th, 2010 @ 6:59am by 1st Lieutenant Kara Melo & Lieutenant Commander Karma Sinclair & Colonel Damon Raine & Lieutenant Kaj Mikkola & Lieutenant Lorne Jaxara & Major Leroy Mangalia
Edited on on Tue Sep 28th, 2010 @ 12:23pm

1,140 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Peace, or Something Like It
Location: Various

[Calypso Bridge]

"Mikkola, I don't like the look of some of those readings. You think it's plausible to maneuver a little further away? I'll try and help with weapons fire." Jaxara said, shaking his head. "But we are going to have a great deal of Flak damage, if I'm reading this right."

Kaj jostled a bit from the incoming weapons fire before going back to the console. After consulting his own navigational sensors for a split second he settled upon a course of action.
"Roger that, XO recommend we execute a Lambda 2 evasive maneuver at maximum impulse to gain some..."

As he was talking he was bringing the impulse engines' standby thrust up to full charge, but there was a problem, a rather big one. "Uh, XO we have a problem, impulse drive is down to 50% output capacity. Now we can't outrun those merc ships!"

He tapped his commbadge as he threw the Calypso into a violent spin before snapping out if it to dive away at an arc in a effort to put some distance between them and their attackers.
"Conn to engineering, I need full impulse drive back!"

"Doubtful we'll have time to veer away now. Over-amping the shields a little, and setting the Structural Integrity fields to max." Jaxara said. "And may whatever deities that the crew at large may believe in protect us. We might need it."

"Jaxara, fire everything you can at the smaller ship," Karma said, surveying the scene. "Kaj, do the best you can to keep us out of a crossfire. Use whatever means necessary."

"Torpedoes on recharge. And the port phaser array is down for a quick repair." Jaxara said. He lowered his voice significantly. "Besides, shouldn't we be more worried about power to the shields?"

[Merc Ship]

"We've got them on the run Captain," a Reman said to the being that was in charge of the small mercanary ship. "They seem to not have most of their impulse, what are your orders?" The being stood into the light, showing a starfleet uniform, ripped, torn, and older than most. It was not an heirloom, but one that he ahd worn when he had been in Starfleet not fifteen years ago.

"Continue with the plan. I want that ship as my own. I'm tired of this one, and we need an upgrade men! Let's show these weak scum what true officers are made of!" A ragged cheer went up through the ships bridge area, and the man stepped forward, tapping a counsel as he passed. -^-Mercanary Ship Braxton to the Calypso. I suggest you answer as quickly as possible.-^- His face was open to the screen as he opened the channel, with a video link. He was not old, but looked about 45. His hair was salt and pepper, and his face still clean shaven. His eyes seemed dead, black, and empty. Standing at Five foot, eleven inches, he wasn't small. -^-This is former Lieutenant Commander Steffen Braxton, of the USS Pegasus. You have thirty seconds to open a channel and discuss your options of surrender to me.-^-


Karma looked at the screen when he heard about the message and said, "Open a channel." When the connection was established, Karma stepped in front of the screen and said, "Lieutenant Commander Braxton. I'm Lieutenant Commander Karma Sinclair. Order the ships to stand down or you will be destroyed."

Braxton laughed as his face appeared on Calypso's screen. "I doubt that Commander. I know the rules of engagement, and I know that as a fellow Starfleet Officer, I'm subject to capture, not death. So why don't we try this again before I decide to unload everything I have? You can scan my cargo bays, and find that I don't exactly play by the rules anymore. If you attempt to destroy me and my ship, or even succeed, the space mines sitting in the zero g of my cargo holds will explode, taking out a sizable amount of your ship as well." Smiling Steffen looked into the bridge of the Calypso. "I think I'd prefer to talk to the Captain Commander."

Jaxara hit up the controls for internal communication between bridge stations. Torpedoes recharged, Port phaser array at full capacity in 30 seconds. The note said. And space mines have a minor problem, dealing with wide beam tractor-beams set on 'push'.

Karma looked at the man on the screen and smiled. "You're lucky to be talking to me. Stand down, or we'll use any means necessary to resolve this conflict. If that means destroying your ship then so be it."

"Commander, I do beleive I asked for your CO. Now be a good boy and get him for me will you?" Braxton smiled and looked down. "Give them a taste," he said. The screen stayed there, but the sounds of phasers striking the shields and hull of the Calypso. Braxton smiled as the ship also started circling the larger Federation vessel, dropping its space mines, then setting the proximity timers. "I also suggest you keep at a stand still Commander. Whats the line I'm thinking of? "Resistance is futile, lower your shields and your weapons, your ship will become our own, and we'll even let you live."

Karma turned and signaled for the channel to be closed. Once the screen switched to the scene of the battle, he turned to the others and said, "Jaxara, feel free to repay the Commander for his gift. Kaj, do what you can to get us a little separation from that ship. And get someone to move those mines," he called out as he walked to the center chair and sat down to think.

Braxton was almost foaming at the mouth as the channel was cut. "Hit them with everything we have!" he screamed at his men, hitting one in the back of the head so hard that he knocked the man out. "I want that ship! I want it now!" Shoving the man from the control panel he began to move his own vessel, bumping into the very mines that he had placed, making them attach to his ship. "Drop the core and full speed ahead! Ram them! MAKE THEM PAY!"

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Karma Sinclair
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jorne Jaxara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Kaj Mikkola
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Jerreck O'Connor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster (NPC)
Assistant Chief Science Officer

1st Lieutenant Leroy Mangalia
Marine XO

Ensign Silea Koritala
Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Aldara Ralis
Chief Intelligence Officer

Staff Warrant Officer Eve Gianni (NPC)

Security NPCs:
Ensign Daniel Daniels
Lieutenant Lire

Sergeant Kara Melo (NPC)

Private Trent Kushner (NPC)

Ensign Marek Lovok

Merc Captain

Red Claw:
The Caitian


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