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To Be Determined

Posted on Fri Jul 16th, 2010 @ 12:05pm by Lieutenant JG Jerreck O'Connor & Lieutenant JG Erin Tal

2,310 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Peace, or Something Like It
Location: USS Calypso, Counselor's Office

Jerry had been told to report to the Counselor, for yet another evaluation. It was like everyone in the place wanted to poke him, prod at him, and generally invade his privacy. Then again, he was the "new guy", and he could feel that in everyone around him - they trusted one another because they all had worked together for a while. So it sort of made sense. And once they got underway, he was sure that it would slow down at least. Spacedock made people tense, for no good reason.

He walked up to the office and pressed the commpanel: "Jerry O'Connor for the Counselor."

''Speaking.'' Erin said cheerfully, arriving behind the Lieutenant.
''Sorry, I was on a break. What can I do for you?'' She asked, opening the door and ushering him inside.

Jerry shrugged and smiled, turning around. "Hey, don't worry about it. I was wondering if nobody around here ever took a break. Seems like everyone's so wound up around here. Any clue why?"

Erin seated herself at her desk, motioning for him to take the vacant seat at the opposite side of the desk.
''There's been a lot of recent changes aboard, would be my best guess. And after some time off, people tend to be more work-absorbed.''
''So how can I help you, Jerreck? Or do I call you Jerry.''

The Scientist sat down in the chair across from her, leaning forward and looking at her with a half-smile. "Please call me Jerry. Seems a lot less uptight, to me. And I think you can help me by telling me when you get off-duty, so I can pick you up for drinks."

It was horribly obvious - one didn't need to be an empath to see that he was dodging her (or trying to) by trying the line. Though he had to admit, he'd never met anyone who looked like her before, wasn't even sure what species (single or plural) made up her background. So, maybe there was something of an appeal of novelty hidden in all of it, but it certainly wasn't 'love at first sight' - even he knew that.

Erin raised an eyebrow slightly as a her lips twitched upwards in smile of amusement at his attempts to evade her query.
''As much as I love the odd drink- thats not the best excuse I've ever heard, Jerry.''
She was not aware of ever meeting this man before, so she at least had to admire his brazen attempts to get out of whatever he was here for.
''So I'm guessing its a psychological evaluation. Many people seem to think it involves mental torture or something.'' She grinned slightly.
''Would I be right?''

Jerry chuckled lightly and nodded. "That'd be about the long and the short of it. I was sitting in my quarters with a cup of coffee and suddenly, up comes this alarm on my terminal telling me I had to report to your office. So, I finished what I was doing, got dressed, and, well, here I am."

Erin paused. ''I'd hate to think why you felt the need to undress to have a cup of coffee in the first place, but perhaps its better not to ask.'' She said wryly, a little teasing grin on her lips.
Usually joking with the patients in her office helped them relax- and this man certainly looked like he could do with some relaxing.

''Okay its quite simple. I'll ask you a few questions- you give me the answers. Results will be based on your answers along with a few other factors, including your behaviour for the next few weeks that will either prove or disprove your results.''
''Please give me honest answers. The chances are very high that I will know if you're lying.''

She sat back and issued the first question:
''Is there anything not already listed on your medical file that might be important or necessary for either the ships surgeon or myself to know about?''

Jerry shook his head after thinking for a moment, smiling. "I can't think of anything... at least, nothing on-duty."

Erin looked directly at him. ''Off-duty counts too.'' She added with an encouraging smile.

Jerry smiled back at her readily, "Well, off-duty, all I know is that I'm supposed to be free tonight at 2100 after this. So if you want to, you can give me a ring and we can have some fun. If you're in the mood, of course."

Erin closed her eyes for a second, trying to keep a straight face.
For a few minutes she actually beleived he was going to be co-operative.
Opening them again, she wrote a few notes of her PADD and turned back to Jerry with the tiniest hint of a frustrated grin on her face.
''There is no point asking you to keep serious, is there?''
As much as a drink was appealing, she was determined to keep the evaluation session just that.

Jerry chuckled and shook his head lightly. "The way I see it? 'Serious' is just another word for 'boring'. And frankly, I don't think either of us needs to be bored."

''However if you snap and turn into a raging madman in a few months time, It'll be up to me to explain why I didn't pre-empt your behaviour.'' Erin countered dryly, writing another note,which she encircled.

''And let me assure you- trials for that kind of thing are never 'boring' '' She accompanied her speech with air-apostrophes.
''So I'll ask again with the vague hope that you'll help me out here- do you have any other psychological disorders, illnesses, fears or doubts that are not already listed on your medical record?''

Jerry shook his head with a smile, chuckling. Honest he could do, serious, he wasn't in the mood for. So, he'd be honest. "Oh, I'm terribly afraid of women, doc. Absolutely terrified of 'em, every last one - well, scared I won't get to know 'em any better, at least. I'm sure if I could spend some time alone with one, I'd get over that fear right quick. Being perfectly honest with you doc, though, nope. Unless you count my one allergy that's not listed - because the quacks back at HQ said it didn't count. I believe that I have a chronic allergy to death and permanent injury. As such, I try to avoid it as much as is possible. Other than that... nope, not a thing. Definitely nothing that'll make me 'snap'. Worst I'd do is resign from the Fleet if it felt like the right thing to do. And I know it'd cause all kinds of hell for two lovely ladies - you and the Commander - if I did. And, you know what? I absolutely hate seeing women put through hell. So, no plans on that as long as I get to see your beautiful faces every day and imagine the looks if you saw the paperwork if I left."

Erin's notes were almost a page long already.
''To be honest, if you left starfleet, that wouldn't cause me any paperwork, unless you did so by shooting someone or the like. But thank you for the consideration.''
Her councellers smile was back.
''Next question- do you have any racial, personal or other grudges or predjudices that may mar your decision making abilities in your job?''

He shrugged, glancing at her notes with a smile. "You're welcome. And... hm... not that I know of, certainly none of those I'd ever like. I haven't met too many of the staff yet, but they all seem like decent folks who're doing what they love. And that's what's important, at least from what I see. Doin' what you love, what feels right to you, doing that thing for the moment to enjoy it. I don't like people who do things they hate just because they think other people will like 'em more. No point in that. Waste of time, and waste of a person's passion. But, outside of that? I've only met one person I can't work with. I categorically refuse to name names, but I will confirm that they have rather definitely gone the Ivory Tower route, so if they do appear on this vessel, I'll ask Lancaster to act as a liaison between me and that individual. Frankly, though? Doubt it, a lot. If I do somehow, inexplicably, end up in an intractable argument with someone, I'll try to solve it personally first; but if I can't, your little doorbell's gonna start ringing - loud, long, and often. Only until you open the door, of course. Then I'd stop, and inform you of what had happened." It was probably a little strange, how he threw out huge words while still maintaining a goofy smile and the appearance of someone far less intelligent than he really was - and someone far less introspective. Though, he was being truthful with her on this point. He watched her, his mind reaching out just barely to try and figure out what she was feeling. Maybe even to see if he could figure out what'd make her happier. On the other hand, he wondered if her hand would ever cramp up.

Erin raised an eyebrow. ''Fair enough.''
''This is a little personal- but i need to know of any past experiences or traumas that may affect your work- this includes strange or common phobias.''
She felt, in a brief lull, the faint signature brush of a empaths mind- so faint it was hardly noticeable, but Erin was trained against any kind of emotional or mental hijacking. She felt it.
With the reactions of a soldier, she instinctively closed her mind, mentally retracting.
It was a knee-jerk reaction and she glanced up sharply at Jerreck, eyes wide.
''You're an... empath?'' She asked in surprise.

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, seriously concerned. "I'm sorry! My mother is a Betazoid. I thought my abilities were on file. Did I upset you? I certainly didn't mean to, are you okay? I'm so sorry."

Erin shook her head vehemently. ''No, no need to apologise, I was just surprised. I don't usually read the majority of the crews files unless necessary- it tends to add bias sometimes.''
She smiled comfortingly.
''No harm done, I just haven't come across an empath in years. Sorry about the reaction, it was.. a trained response.''

He sighed heavily, leaning back and smiling. "Oh, good. I'm still sorry. Um, wow. Didn't mean to scare you. I'd, um, really like to make it up to you, maybe."

Erin shook her head. ''The last group of empaths I ever came across was in the delta quadrant, and they ended and up being very effective in using our emotions to torture their prisoners further.''
''So you can see why i was a little wary. I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel guilty for scaring me. It was just instinctive.''
''Please don't feel obliged to need to make it up to me, its fine. If anything, sorry for overreacting.'' She laughed a little, shaking her head at her own overreaction.

He nodded, slowly. "Oh, please, don't worry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. If anything, I use my empathy to try and get a feel for how other people feel about me, that's all. But I still want to make it up to you."

Erin nodded. ''If you insist.'' She affirmed with a shrug and a small smile.
''But after the test. Theres only a few more questions, I promise.''

He nodded and smiled. "That sounds good. I think I'm good on phobias. What's next?"

''Do you have the ability to maintain control while working in a team under potentially stressful and life-endangering situations without wearing down?''
It was always interesting the answers that were giving to this question.

Jerry raised an eyebrow. "I have absolutely no idea. I have never been in a situation like that - though, I did fail the Kobayashi Maru with flying colors!"

Erin took note. Most people said yes, so it was refreshing to get a blunt answer.
''Oh I think we all did that.'' She replied with a little grin.
''Okay- last question: its word association: 'precious', 'irreplaceable', 'to be upheld at all costs' - whats the first thing you think of?''

He sat there, and suddenly something triggered. "Sounds like General Order Two - I remember that from my intro course at the Academy. Aren't those the words used to describe the lives of Federation citizens?"

Erin nodded, making her last note and closing the PADD.
''Indeed. Though they can be used to describe ideals like faith, honour, instinct, or even rules.''
''I can get a good idea of ones personality by the way you answer.''
She stopped and stretched, stifling a yawn. ''Well, thats the end of the test, Mr. O'Connor. Thanks for your answers.''

He smiled, watching her for a moment. "Oh, don't worry about it. And please, call me Jerry. It's easier on both of us. But, uh, just give me a call when you have some free time. I really am sorry about what happened earlier, it won't happen again. Promise."

That said, he stood up with the same smile and kept an eye on her as he walked to the door. "And it was nice meeting you. Pity it wasn't under less official circumstances."

Erin nodded. '' Will do. Dont worry about it-no harm done. Welcome aboard.''
She smiled breifly before returning to her work.


Lieutenant JG Jerreck "Jerry" O'Connor
Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Leiutenant (JG) Erin Tal
Cheif Counceller
USS Calypso


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