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The Comm Link, part 1

Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2011 @ 2:09pm by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant JG Talri & Lieutenant JG Tramira Kyt & Ensign Mak Free [Lynx] & Lieutenant Tavish 'Tav' Ross

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Forests of Mythraeli
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: Current

[Conference Room, USS Calypso]


Sam gave the teams ten hours to see what they could come up with, then called for a meeting.

She was the first one in the room and stood looking out the viewport at Mythraeli. It was a beautiful moon. Idyllic. Or would be, if they could figure out why the away team disappeared.

Talri was next to arrive at the conference room. She inclined her head towards Sam. 'Greetings, Captain,' she said, before moving to take a seat at the table.

Mak Free missed his friend Marek and often came to the Romulan for advise on more then just his job. He wanted to bring his friend back home safe, so far the efforts at establishing communications with the surface were... Well Mak didn't know if whatever they came up with will do the trick. He entered the conference room and found the Captain along with Lieutenant Talri. "Captain, Lieutenant," he greeted them.

Sam greeted the two with a nod in return.

Ronnie was next to arrive. "Hi, everyone!" she said as she took a seat at the table.

Kyt rubbed her head. "Morning." She said.

"How goes your plans Lieutenant?" Mak asked Ronnie softly.

"Which ones?" she responded with a half-grin. Ronnie had a number of plans regarding the scans and the loss of communications with the away team.

Mak chuckled. "Any," he replied.

Talri cast a sidelong glance at Kyt as she listened to the conversation of the others. Their plans had gone rather well, although now didn't seem quite the appropriate point to mention it.

"It appears there's a section of the planet that's a dead zone for our systems. That includes communications, scanners and nav systems," Ronnie said. "The fighters ran into it. Fortunately they managed to get through it without crashing."

Kyt quirked an eyebrow, but didn't comment. They hadn't been asked for their results yet.

Sam decided it was a good time for her to step in. "If we could go in order we'll get through this a lot faster," she said, forestalling the discussion. "Ronnie, as you appear to have started this particular discussion, can you give us your report?"

Ronnie grinned, not sorry she'd answered the Ensign before giving her report. "The fighters scanned the planet in a grid pattern to get as much information as they could. There is one geographic area where their systems failed completely. This area is only a few kilometers across, but it's the same area where the shuttle landed. So, whatever is causing communications and scans to fail is limited to a specific area."

Sam nodded. "Thank you. Ensign Free, what do you have?"

"I'm in the process of programming the relays to be in continuous sync with each other and the ship's computer, though I am still working on what to do for the power/data cable for the relays Captain." Mak answered.

"Kyt and Talri?"

'We may have something of interest,' said Talri slowly, looking over at Kyt again and then back towards Sam.

The doors to the conference room slid open and Tav admitted himself. "Sorry, I only just got the message that you were having this meeting," he apologised. "I don't think I've met any of you... except you Captain."

He smiled towards the Captain before looking at the others, he recognised Mak from the personnel files of his department, but the other two were unfamiliar. "Tav Ross," he identified himself. "I'll do the meet and greet bit later."

"Lieutenant Ross is our new Chief Engineer," Sam explained. "I thought he could give us some help with communications." She looked at Talri expectantly. "What did you find?"

Mak leaned over to Ross. "Congratulations on becoming chief sir." He said quietly so not to interrupt Talri or Kyt.

"Thanks Ensign," Ross replied, he didn't do quiet too well. "I'll need to speak to you after this meeting."

Mak nodded. "Aye sir," he replied.

'We were able to temporarily break through the interference,' said Talri, 'by using a non-Federation carrier wave at a high frequency for our signal. It holds integrity for 3.1 seconds before the interference affects the transmission,' she explained. 'We have attempted to extend that period but have as yet been unsuccessful.'

"It sounds like something is adapting the interference." Mak said voicing his thoughts.

'Adapting?' Talri turned to look at Mak. 'You imply that the interference is not an entirely natural phenomenon?'

"Have we any theories on the source of the interference as yet?" Tav asked. "It seems strange that natural phenomena would start producing interference to our equipment shortly after our arrival, but not before. That sounds like jamming to me."

(To be continued...)

Captain Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Tavish Ross
Chief Engineer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster (PNPC)
Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Talri
Stellar Cartographer
USS Calypso

Ensign Tramira Kyt
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Ensign Mak Free (PNPC)
USS Calypso


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