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Tue Sep 27th, 2011 @ 2:23pm

Lieutenant Tavish 'Tav' Ross

Name Tavish 'Tav' Andrew Ross

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Planet of Origin Earth
Age 29
Birth Date September 13, 2359
Location of Quarters Deck 9A
Player (for PNPCs)

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color White Caucasian
Physical Description 'Tav' is just under average height, but is a very well-built man, maintained by a regular weight training regime and hands-on work. He has short-medium length brown hair, which is usually relatively unkempt, although never appears to look untidy.

On duty he wears his uniform quite relaxed, and often has the signs of 'getting dirty'. Off duty he will usually be found in casual clothing, usually jeans.
Accent Distinct Scottish accent at times


Wedding Date
Father Andrew Ross
Mother Elizabeth Ross
Sister(s) Alexandra Ross
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tavish is a fairly relaxed man, he enjoys getting in his hands dirty and doesn't often have to discipline people - his leadership style is very much by example. He does have a stubborn side to him and shows it in arguments, particularly relating to the running of Engineering. He is down-to-earth and often outspoken. As a result he will often back his team over his superior officers, even when he knows that they are wrong.
Strengths & Weaknesses His strength is his love of the ship and his knowledge of its workings. His weakness is his inability to see the bigger picture and his inexperience in a command situation, he will often be found doing the dirty work instead of his own job.
Ambitions Tav's only ambition is to fix that which is broken and also that which is not. He is always aiming to achieve more, but only in the realm of Engineering.
Hobbies & Interests 20th/21st century popular sports (rugby mainly), weight training, tinkering with electronics, 19-21st century technology - particularly automobiles and aircraft.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Tavish (Tav) Ross was brought into the world on a windy afternoon in 2359 in Stirling Hospital, Scotland by Andrew and Elizabeth Ross, and some help from the midwifery department. He was to be a stubborn child as his parents knew that day, Tav refusing the usual method of birth led to last minute complications and the birth by microsurgery transporter (the modern method of Caesarean Section). He would also rapidly develop a love of technology and a curiosity beyond your average feline - associated, his father says, with being transported to birth.

At the age of 7, having fiddled around with most of his mother's household appliances, and developed a knack for questioning everything teachers told him, Tav got his first bicycle. He quickly grew bored of learning to ride and balance and instead took to dismantling the gearing system, much to the annoyance of his parents. His curiosity didn't change and it was soon obvious where the young man was heading.

He graduated high school in 2374 and went on to further education specialising in engineering and computer science. It was during these college years that he started to play sport. Led mainly by a desire to be friends with the sporty-types, and not just because he could fix their computers, he began playing rugby. He played in the college team in 2376, but that was his only amateur event. The team unfortunately lost that year, through no fault of Tav's.

He left college in 2377 and went onto university. With excellent grades on his course he was accepted into Cambridge on their Engineering Masters course. It was during this course that a short placement at the Starfleet Corps of Engineers gave him an idea about his future career. He had seen the future developments of Starfleet and had a keen interest to get back there and put his natural talents to work.

Following graduation in 2380, he applied and was successfully admitted to Starfleet Academy on the Engineering track, his cadet cruise taking place on the U.S.S. Excalibur in 2381 shortly after her launch. He was fascinated by the new vessel and the science and engineering feats contained within. At the conclusion of his academy course in 2383, he requested to be assigned aboard the vessel and was welcomed by Cmdr. David Yates, the ship's Chief Engineer.

Tav worked under Yates for the next 4 years, becoming his deputy in 2385 and receiving a promotion to Lieutenant (Junior Grade). He loved the ship and his team and grew to become one of the guys, despite being their boss. Yates put Ross forward for a promotion and assignment as Chief Engineer in 2388, noting that USS Calypso had an opening. Tav tried to refuse the recommendation, wanting to remain on board, but a little convincing that he needed to move on and develop his own department changed his mind.

In 2388, Tav received his transfer papers and was reassigned to Calypso as Chief Engineer. Yates allowed him to take one person from the Engineering team with him, so it would be easier settling in; and then handed him a padd with all his notes from his 20 years of engineering with the comment "I hope you never need these, kid."
Education 2362 - 2374: (age 3-15) Central Scotland Primary and Secondary Education System, Stirling, Earth.
2374 - 2377: (age 15-18) Advanced Level Further Education – Engineering & Computer Science, Glasgow College of Technology, Earth
2377 - 2380: (age 18-21) Masters of Engineering – University of Cambridge, Earth.
Service Record 2380 - 2383: Starfleet Academy, Major: Starship Engineering.
2383 - 2385: U.S.S. Excalibur, Engineering Officer (Ensign)
2385 - 2388: U.S.S. Excalibur, Assistant Chief Engineer (Lieutenant JG)
2388 - Pres: U.S.S. Calypso, Chief Engineer (Lieutenant)