Meeting the new Communications Officer
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2013 @ 9:46am by Commodore Samantha York & Commander Hans Munich
899 words; about a 4 minute read
What Dreams May Come?
Location: Shuttle Bay
Sam was spending more time around the ship than on the bridge, mostly because it kept her awake and kept the nightmares at bay -- at least for a while.
When she saw that she was getting a new Chief of Communications she decided to head to the shuttle bay to welcome him personally.
She walked into the shuttle bay, surprised at the clutter. She knew that everyone was affected by the nightmares, but the lack of attention to duty bothered her. She'd have to address it later. Right now, she had a shuttle to meet.
She watched it land and waited for the pilot to secure everything and shut down before she approached.
Hans Munich had been wanting this type of assignment for a long time; a Galaxy II class ship would have state of the arts Communications array; even if he had to steal the parts to upgrade it himself. It also helped that on his last few commands the Communications systems were a life line.
Once the shuttle powered down Munich rose wiht his large dufflebag and headed to the door to disembark. Stepping out he noticed some slight disarray around the Hangar deck; this ship had been through it all right and he wondered what was happening? The fisrst person of not was the Commodore headin gin his direction.
"Commodore York..." Munich stood to attention as was respect with his strong german accent. "Permission to come aboard?" HE clicked his heels as he gave her a smile. "Iz goot to be here Ma'am."
"I'm glad you arrived safely, Lieutenant," Sam said. "I should warn you, most of the crew is suffering the effects of sleep deprivation. We're working on a solution and should have everything back to normal soon."
"Good ting I slept on the way here Den." Munich tried to joke. "What will you need of me Commadore?" He placed his bag down. "You might say I am fresh for da fight?"
Sam chuckled in appreciation of the joke. "Definitely. I don't suppose you know how to communicate with non-corporeal entities?"
"Are you talking some form of White Noise?" Munich said honestly. "It is; in some thoeirs a wavelength that pierces both the supernatural and possibly the telepathic range in thoery. Not that I believe in dat." Munich shrugged. "If we scan the wavelength and see if there is noise?"
"No," Sam said. "I'm talking about a physical being that doesn't show up on any scans yet leaves behind Carpathian particles. It is behind the nightmares that are causing the sleep deprivation. Most of the telepaths and empaths on board are aware of it."
"The communication system wavelengths do not really detect that high a range." He admitted. "Though what might be more interesting is trying to figure a way to block it, to make it not affect the sleep patterns through ultra high frequqncy above most hearing and then have medical dsedate to help sleep?" He joked.
"Hey, if you could do that you'd earn your keep for the next month," Sam joked. She was confident in her crew and the plans they already had in place, but if the new communications officer had any ideas, she would love to hear them.
She pulled out a PADD and handed it to Hans. "This has all the information you'll need to take charge of your department and get around the ship. Apu has set up you with quarters, so you should have all you need."
"Thank you Commodore." Munich took the offered PADD. "I could use one of the Betazoids to use as a test subject to see if I can get a signal they could hear?" He looked up. Might be interesting experiment?" If he was joking or not was hard to tell. "Might even be able to find a transmission wavelength to filter or cancel the bombardment?"
"If you're going to test on anyone, it had better be me. I'd rather not subject any of my crew to something that may or may not work. No offense, but they've been through enough. If it works, I'll gladly send them to you."
"It is a simple process to use sound waves to relax and filter out other noises, it could be relaxing on many levels like listening to headphones to drown out other noise?" Munich suggested. "I could set something up and have a 'cat nap' to see if it allows rest?" He was glad to have a challenge. "I could go over some data and maybe in couple of hours make at least a prototype. adjusting the frequency is the longer process?"
"It's worth a try. See what you can work up and let me know," Sam said.
"As you wish." He nodded. "I hope to get it like a relaxing time under noise suppression headphoness and replace with pleasant. Dat is best can hope for." He smiled. "It is an honor you accepted my transfer ma'am, I hope not to let you down?"
"As do I," she said with a half-smile. "Get settled and see what you can do. I look forward to your prototype."
"Right away ma'am." Munich clicked his heels as is proper before taking steps toward the door, he had known where his quarters would be; be bad if Communications Officer had not called ahead.
Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Hans Munich
Chief Communications Officer