A Point of Order, part 1
Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2011 @ 7:29am by Commodore Samantha York & Colonel Damon Raine & Major Leroy Mangalia & Lieutenant JG Tramira Kyt
1,103 words; about a 6 minute read
Shades of Gray
Location: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: Current
Leo walked from the holosuite and off to the Security offices. He hadn't noticed Gunny..."Lieutenant," he said to himself, hadn't been around his view. He didn't worry about it, since there wasn't much he could have said during the party. He felt a little parched, and grabbed a canteen from a replicator he passed in the halls. Sometimes it was good to have the Commanding position of a unit, since it had been for weapon energy cells, and other such things. Stepping into Security he smiled to himself. "Lieutenant Kyt, you here?"
"Present." Kyt said. "Ah, Marine Captain."
Leo nodded to the other Security Officers that were around and looked at Kyt. "You have somewhere that's a little more private? I don't want to hash out out differences with a crowd."
Kyt nodded, and headed into her office. She turned back to Leo. "Well, let's get started."
Leo looked at Kyt, his face stoney. "We've got to come to some sort of compromise here. Security can't do everything, neither can the Marines. I know in training we're both told that we can, and you know that better than anyone Gunny." Looking around the office, he took a sip of the water from the canteen he had grabbed. "How are we going to make sure we're not fighting over each other to go on away missions."
"I'm tired of the Security being shortchanged on missions. Jaxara complained about the Captain's propensity for only sending the Marines down, and Security handling ship-board matters. The fact is, that's not good for either. I want the Marines helping out with Ship-security. They could use the training, for boarding missions on other ships. I want security being on more away missions. This last one, and the one before, established that the Security department needs the experience." Kyt said, nodding. "I recommend we don't fight over each other. Let's train our officers to fight together, not with each other."
"What an unnatural thing," Leo said with a smile. "See, there's a reason that we're not really trained for ship to ship fighting. We're no good at it. Security, since the days of the MACO's have known a ship top to bottom and have been able to defend it more readily. Security even carries a weapon on them at all times, Marines don't." Leo looked down and shook his head. "The knife doesn't count, and our armory is way below where any member of an attacking ship is going to be." He sat there for a second and then smiled yet again.
"I have an idea that could keep us both out of trouble with each other, and keep the fighting to a minimum. After we talk about it, mind if we go see the Captain and ask?"
"Just because that's the way it's always been, Marine Captain, does not mean that is the way it should be. If you have an idea, stop spouting rhetoric, and speak." Kyt said, more than a little agitated that her perfectly acceptable plan had been so casually shot down by something that smelled of bovine fecal matter.
"I want to set up a Joint Task Force. A group of Security and Marines that are trained for exclusive missions. They will be able to take ground missions, and ship to ship fighting. They'll be able to do everything we can separately, and we'd both be in charge of the unit." He stopped for a breath, and took a sip of the water. "There wouldn't be a unit commander, and sub commander, there would be us, giving the orders. We would have to agree on some things, but that shouldn't be too hard."
Kyt shrugged. "I guess, that's close enough to my idea to be acceptable." She said, shaking her head. "Just don't see why mine wasn't acceptable. I've never understood that aspect of the marine corps."
"That is your idea Kyt," Leo said. "Just restated in my way. I don't like departments fighting, it takes away from training. It also makes us look bad. It doesn't matter to me, I added the joint force so that way we both had a hand in it, not just you, or not just me."
"There is a difference between a completely meshed force, and a portion of each team working together, but I believe it is an acceptable start." Kyt said, nodding.
"But I think that perhaps a meshed force would be best." Leo looked at Kyt and shook his head, then tapped his badge. "Captain York, is there a place where myself and Lieutenant Kyt could meet you?"
"My ready room," Sam replied. "At your convenience."
Kyt nodded, and, for some reason she couldn't entirely fathom, she crooked her left arm, and nodded to Leo. "Shall we?"
Leo chuckled and weaved his arm in hers and he moved out with the Lieutenant. He smiled, but didn't look over to see if the Security Chief was as well. Some people gave them strange looks as they made their way to the Captains ready room.
Sam was sitting on her couch, talking over the day's business with Damon. When her door chimed she set down her PADD and called, "Come!."
Kyt permitted the higher ranked officer to go first, and entered after Leo. She nodded to Sam. "Ma'am."
Damon stopped his conversation with Samantha and looked up at the group entering the room. He folded his arms and waited for them to speak.
Sam nodded back. "What can we do for the two of you?"
"Marine Commander Mangalia and I have an unorthodox proposition, designed to help negate some of the issues between the Security, and Marine departments." Kyt said, nodding to Leo.
"In layman's terms, it would be a joint task force. Much like Earth rulers used to do with others. The most notible of course is the War on Drugs, that both America and Mexico declared." He took a breath, gathering his thoughts. "A group of Marines and Security trained, cross trained, and counter trained to fulfill the duties of the other side. Ship boardings, ground work, guard duty, and the like. coming up later with a Security/Marine mix that both myself and Kyt would jointly run."
"Do you have specific ideas on how to do this?" Sam asked. SHe looked at Damon. As a Marine himself he would have more ideas on this than she did.
(T0 be continued...)
Captain Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso
Commander Damon Raine
Executive Officer
USS Calypso
Lieutenant JG Tramira Kyt
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Calypso
Captain Leroy Mangalia
Marine CO
USS Calypso