Strength in Numbers, part 2
Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 9:28am by Lieutenant JG Ronnie Wolfe & Lieutenant JG Marek Lovok [Lynx] & Ensign Stran & Lieutenant JG Jason Hart & Petty Officer 2nd Class Yvette Jaynes
750 words; about a 4 minute read
The Forests of Mythraeli
Location: Mythraeli
Timeline: Current
Stran, on the other hand, lay unconscious, about 30 meters away. His tree had moved on, as had, apparently, his doctor. Both he, and his tree, were completely oblivious to the away team, in current state.
Lizzie wasn't as worried about Yvette as she was the Vulcan lying on the ground and why no one else seemed to notice. She left the others huddled around the nurse and hurried over to where Stran lay. She felt for the pulse in his neck, pleased to noticed that his heart was still beating. He was breathing, too. She shook him gently. "Ensign? Are you all right?"
Stran was unable to respond. Having fallen 15 feet from a tree, landing on slightly jagged rocks, with his head neatly bonking a flat rock, he wasn't sure if he was deceased, or unconscious. To his mind, lost, somewhere, it was hardly relevant. The woman shaking him received the same attention that the tree who had ambled away, and the remainder of the landing party at large: Absolutely nothing in response.
Receiving no response, Lizzie felt around the back of his head. He had a large goose egg where he apparently hit a rock. She looked over to the other group, but they were still concerned with Yvette. And, without a working tricorder, what could the doctor do anyway?
A vague memory of something she'd read somewhere about startling people who were in comas into consciousness came to her. Would it work? Was he in a coma? True, he wasn't waking up, so it was a possibility. The thought reminded her of an old fairy tale. He was Vulcan. Perhaps his subconscious would be so shocked at her action he woke up? It was worth a try. If it failed, ther'ed be no harm done.
Lizzie slowly leaned forward and kissed Stran on the lips.
Stran chose that moment to waken, slightly, from his Vulcan healing trance. He opened an eye. The thought You have me at a disadvantage, madame. Went through his mind, and the kiss, but he was still too injured to speak.
While treating Yvette, Jason looked up at the others. "Stran was meditating, I've checked on him and he appeared that he doesn't want me to bother him."
"He was unconscious, doctor,' Lizzie said. "And you were busy taking care of Nurse Jaynes. It's quite all right. He could just as easily have been meditating."
Then she looked down at the Vulcan and shrugged. "Well, it's what they do in Fairy Tales. I thought I'd give it a go. It worked, didn't it?" She grinned briefly before sobering again. "You hit your head. Probably a concussion. What happened?"
"The tree." Stran mouthed. He couldn't quite speak very loud. "It didn't like me climbing it."
"The tree?" LIzzie asked, surprised. "The tree didn't like you climbing it? How do you know? Did it say anything?"
"Of course not." Stran whispered. "It lacks proper auditory organs."
Doctor Hart continued to do his assessment on Nurse Jaynes till he felt a pulsating feeling behind his right ear. No one knows about the implant except for Doctor Bowen who placed it there. The purpose of the chip there is for his location if he was ever lost. It has been activated. He looked at Marek, "Having trouble locating communicating with the ship? Doctor Bowen has put an beacon inside me and it has been activated. I'm assuming that the ship has trouble locating us..."
"Yeah, with nothing working including our communicators we're stuck down here." Marek replied.
In the distance of about 20 feet away, Jason looked at Lizzie. "How's the Vulcan doing? Also, I think he has a mild concussion and he needs to stay put, until we get to sickbay."
Lizzie nodded her head at the doctor's comment. Then she had an idea. "If the locator beacon works, does your medical tricorder? If you can fix the security officer's concussion, he can help me figure out what's going on with the trees." Right now, finding out what was going on was as important to Lizzie as getting to sickbay. If the trees were the cause of the jamming, it was paramount she find out what was going on before someone did something stupid.
(To be continued...)
Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster (PNPC)
Chief Science Officer
Ensign Marek Lovok
Assistant Chief Engineer
Ensign Stran (PNPC)
Security Officer
Ensign Jason Hart (PNPC)
Medical Officer
Chief Petty Officer 3rd Class Yvette Jaymes