Where'd They Go? (part 2)
Posted on Tue Feb 15th, 2011 @ 8:55pm by Commodore Samantha York & Lieutenant Commander Leanne Bowen & Lieutenant JG Ronnie Wolfe & Lieutenant JG Nava & Lieutenant JG Tramira Kyt
767 words; about a 4 minute read
The Forests of Mythraeli
Location: Calypso, various
Timeline: Current
Sam turned to Damon. "Send a request to Engineering. Have them double check the scanners to be sure they're working properly."
Doctor Bowen walked in with a PADD in her hand. She quickly went straight to the Captain. "I'm sorry I'm late as I had to finish up with a patient." Leanne hands her the PADD, "I heard that you lost the away team. In case you don't know, Doctor Hart already has a small location chip implanted behind his ear. He always carried this when he goes on the away team and prefers not to have it removed. Will this help?"
"We can try." She wasn't sure, but it was worth a try. "Ensign Kyt, see if you can find the signal," she said, handing Kyt the PADD.
Kyt scowled, as she looked at the readings. No data available was an obnoxious response. She restrained herself from putting a fist through the console, and merely fell back into her chair, shaking her head at it.
"I take it that's a no?" Sam asked.
"It's broken. Official opinion." Kyt said, shaking her head at it. "It's not even trying."
"Considering we can't get any communication with the away team -- barring smoke signals -- it's likely part of the overall problem. Work with science to see if you can figure out why all signals to and from the away team failed."
"On it." Kyt said. That was all she said. She walked over to the science console, and looked at the Science Officer. "You heard the lady. Let's get started."
Ronnie nodded and stood. "After you."
Kyt looked at the scanner boards. "I can't seem to tell if it's artificial, or naturally generated interference. Do you have any ideas how we could determine that?"
"If we can find the precise frequency of whatever is causing the communications to fail, we could determine if it was natural or man-made," Ronnie replied.
"Which would be fine, if it wasn't for the fact that the interference is interfering with our ability to detect it's frequency." Kyt countered.
"Well, without anything to go on, we really have no way of determining exactly what is causing the interference," Ronnie replied.
"Which is a problem." Kyt noted. "Because the boss lady is wanting answers."
"I have to return to sickbay as I have patients that are waiting to see me, ma'am. Is there anything else you need, Captain?" Leanne continued to stand near her.
"Not at the moment," Sam said. "I wanted you to be aware of the situation. We don't know if the away team is safe or not. So you may be needed later."
"Okay," the doctor said as she turned and left
Nava had walked in just behind the doctor "Captain what can I do to help?" She asked sensing the tension of the Bridge staff.
"I'm not sure, but at this point, I can use all the ideas I can get," Sam said. "The away team has disappeared."
"Had they made contact with anyone yet?" Nava asked as she sat down and looked at Samantha and then pulled out a PaDD that she had brought with her to see what connections the diplomatic corps had on the planet if any.
"No," Sam said. "They arrived safely, split into teams to do a quick survey and disappeared. They were supposed to report in every two hours. It's now been four. We can't contact them and scans of the planet don't even show the shuttle."
Nava looked at Sam "I've made contact with the Klingons and Vulcans to see what they have on this area of space." She said "I'm just waiting for work back from them." She said
Kyt shook her head. "Don't think so. If there were people present when they beamed down, Stran, and a few others, would have made sure to contact the ship if they were able." Kyt said from the science console, looking at Ronnie. She then called the console a useless piece of fecal matter in Bajoran, very softly.
"It's as if they never arrived," Ronnie said, ignoring the Ensign's epithet.
"Okay. Let's keep looking. They're down there somewhere. Either the ship is malfunctioning or something is blocking communications and scans. I want it found. Keep me informed of anything you find. Until then, you're dismissed."
Captain Samantha York
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Colonel Damon Raine
Acting XO
Ensign Tramira Kyt
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Leanne Bowen
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG Nava
Chief Diplomat
Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster (PNPC)
Assistant Chief Science Officer