Return to Duty
Posted on Fri Dec 24th, 2010 @ 11:33am by Lieutenant JG Randall "Iceheart" McGraw & Lieutenant JG Jason Hart
257 words; about a 1 minute read
Peace, or Something Like It
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
Randy was going stir-crazy. Nuts and bolts, loopy, insane, whatever you want to call it, that was what it was. He had been in Sickbay for just over 48 hours, and was just waiting for the Doc to bless off on him going back to work. Randy flagged down the nearest nurse.
"Pardon me, but could you tell me where the Doc is? I do recall her saying 48 hours, and I know its been longer than that."
"Yes, sir," Nurse Jaynes said. "I'll fetch her for you."
Randy smiled and nodded his thanks.
Doctor Hart came in with the nurse behind him, "You looking for me?"
"Actually, yes I was. I hope I haven't been too big a pain, but I was hoping that I could get cleared for duty so I can get back to my responsibilities?" Randy mentally crossed his fingers and hoped for the answer he was looking for.
He approached the tray next to the man's biobed and picked up the tricorder to glance at it. "Yeah, it looks like you're healing just fine. 48 hours is, I'm going to draw up your discharge paper and I will release you in 20 minutes. How's that sound?" Jason gave him a smile.
Randy sighed with relief. "That would be splendid. I was hoping you would say that Doc."
"Not a problem...sit tight," he said as he turned and walked away.
Randy leaned back, ready to get out of Dodge.
Ensign Jason Hart
Medical Officer
USS Calypso
Ensign Randall McGraw
Wing Commander
USS Calypso