Important announcements...
Posted on Mon Sep 14th, 2009 @ 11:48am by Captain James Montgomery
A couple of important announcements:
The Orion has been moved to its new home in TF72-B under the Command of Captain Andrew Fisher. Despite being the youngest simm, we already have more crew that all but the Flagship, 'Senior Ship' and one other so lets add to our ranks as much as possible!
Also I've had a couple of enquiries about the Second Officer's position on board and the way I intend to pick a 2XO is as follows:
I will be watching the performance of each crew member over the first half of our first proper mission (details soon to be announced) and based on that I will offer the post to the crew member I feel is most deserving. Criteia include Posting Quality, How often you're posting, How much effort you make to write with all members of the crew (especially welcoming new ones), helping recruit new players and generally contributing to the simm.
That said, the post is not just a title for in character use - the successful applicant will be expected to take a greater OOC responsiblilty and help run the simm especially if the XO or myself are away for any length of time.
Keep up the good work!
Lieutenant-Commander James Montgomery
CO USS Orion.
Category: General News