Theta Fleet (dot) net
Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 2:04am by Commodore Samantha York
The IFS database at imploded. Cascading database errors. Possible framework errors.
Bottom line, it is a mess. So, we had, and we've uploaded a new database.
This is the good news. The bad is that we're entering all the characters again.
So, you have received emails from ltueor1 saying you have a new Obsidian Fleet character.
This is Go there. Log in. If you can't log in, use your user ID and email address and reset your password (right below the log in box).
We will be going back to, but we'll take THIS database with us, so this shouldn't happen again. And we will keep as a mirror site.
So, that's why you're getting strange emails. All is good and all will be back up very soon.
Category: General News