An Update from the Centre Chair
Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2009 @ 1:14pm by Captain James Montgomery
Firstly I'd like to apologise for my slow personal start to the activity on the ship, Work plus a posgraduate degree has put constraits on my time, with The Command Acadamy demanding most of the time I have left to simm with! That said the Acadamy is nearly done and this should also see me promoted Commander and give me some breathing space to promote some of the deserving crew members soon after. Monthly awards will also commence at the end of October so once they're up start thinking about who you'd like to nominate.
I'd also like to draw your attention to 'Level 2' Awards - these are awards given out on a higher level, either by the Task Group Commanding Officer (Captain Fisher) or the Task Force Commanding Officer (Commodore Dean). In the past somtimes I feel these awards don't go to people who derserve them - purely because not enough people were nominated. Check them out on the Obsidian Fleet awards page and if you think one on of your colleagues on Orion deserves them - why not nominate them.
Lastly - but by no means least I'd like to announce that along with a promotion to Lieutenant, Samantha York has been selected to perform the duties of Second Executive Officer on the Orion. Since joining, Sams posting effort has been excellent and has also helped the early sucess of this simm out of character.
Congratulations Lieutenant!
It wasn't an easy choice as we've had several players create interesting and active characters so please do keep up the good work!
James C Montgomey,
CO, USS Orion
Category: General News