Taking Over the Lunar Facility (Part I)
Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2022 @ 12:09pm by Lieutenant Mira Jayna & 1st Lieutenant Kara Melo & Lieutenant Aenar Torek & Ensign Chevy Tuff
892 words; about a 4 minute read
Eye of the Storm
Location: Far side of the moon
Jayna was the first to arrive in the shuttle bay. She was dressed in a dark gray jumpsuit with her rank insignia on the collar and a variety of tools in her pockets and cross pack.
Strolling in, Aenar was fiddling with his tricorder, trying to get the settings correct. Occasionally he would unconsciously paw at his phaser in its holster as he walked. The Bajoran dearly hoped he wouldn't have to use it himself. He raised a hand in greeting as he spied Jayna.
She nodded back, glad the scientist would be joining them.
'Looking forward to our glorious return to the base?' Aenar asked with a wide grin, 'it was quite a bit of 'fun' last time.'
The half-Vulcan chuckled. "I'm looking forward to cleaning it out." She shook her head. "They don't belong here."
'No.' Aenar replied flatly, agreeing with the other officer. 'I find it incredibly strange that they're so far from Romulan space - even with Shinzon freeing them, I've yet to hear of them actually leaving the confines of the Empire.'
Jayna nodded. "It doesn't make sense, unless someone paid them to come here. What I don't understand is why. There's nothing out here that we've seen so far to warrant a lunar facility and what amounts to an attack force on the planet."
The Bajoran shook his head, 'nothing whatsoever that we would find valuable no.' He shrugged, 'perhaps it's just the planet itself they want.' Aenar smiled sadly, 'sometimes people just want what they don't have.'
The intel officer nodded. "And sometimes they just want power."
He nodded in return, 'exactly. Sometimes it's just power.'
"So, we find what that power is and take it away from them," she said.
The Bajoran allowed a grin to split his face, 'sounds like a plan to me. I assume I'm not here for my skill with a phaser - I'll bring some tools along to help speed us along our way.' He tapped his kit bag. 'Ready when you are, Lieutenant.'
"You're here for a lot of things," Jayna said. "We should have a couple of Marines joining us."
As if on cue, Kara walked in. "Hello."
Nodding in her direction, Aenar gave her a warm 'Lieutenant Melo,' in greeting. 'Shall we get this thing going then?'
As if on cue, a Betelgeusean Ensign walked in. His head was in a PADD. He was so involved with it that he nearly walked into Aenar. "What do you all think that you are doing?" Chevy asked.
Kara looked at Aenar with a raised eyebrow, then turned to Chevy. "We're getting on the shuttle and going back to the moon, as ordered."
"Already?" he asked, looking like he was completely lost. "That's very interesting." He hummed to himself before continuing. "I suspect that you will need someone for the data again. Is that not correct?"
Jayna raised an eyebrow and smirked. "If you think you're up for it."
The Bajoran chuckled, 'I'm sure Mister Tuff is up for anything!'
Kara laughed. "If not, he will be. Come on." She led the others to the waiting shuttle, eager to see who else was in that facility.
Slipping in to the shuttle, Aenar made himself ready for launch, checking his field kit and ticking off his mental list for everything he felt he needed. The Bajoran checked his side-arm more than a few times.
Kara nodded and entered the shuttle to prep it for launch. Jayna followed close behind.
Aenar looked over the console in front of him, checking that the shields and defensive arrays were in optimal condition. He nodded at the pilot next to him, 'all systems green here.'
They launched and made their way to the same landing spot they'd used the last time, after carefully checking to make sure it was safe. After the last trip, there was no guarantee that the Remen hadn't booby-trapped the site. "Okay," Kara said after securing the shuttle. "Keep your heads down. Let's see if this place has a self-destruct. If not, we've got plenty of explosives we can plant."
'Yes ma'am,' replied Aenar happily, heating his own pack, 'the faster we get in and out, the better.' He advanced to the rear of the shuttle and toggled the opening. 'Let's head out.'
"I'd prefer us to keep the facility intact, if we can," Jayna said, following Aenar.
"So would I," Kara admitted. "But I don't know if we'll have that luxury." S
he followed the others out, then turned to the scientist. "Let me go first. The rest of you are more valuable."
Peter came up beside her. "Begging your pardon, ma'am, but if it comes right down to it, I'm a private. I should go first."
Kara eyed him for a moment. He was right, technically, but he was also a bit of a loose cannon. She nodded once, hoping she wouldn't regret it.
Peter grinned and took the lead.
"Remember, we're not trying to get ourselves killed,"Kara said, hoping that putting him in the lead wasn't a bad idea.
(To be continued...)
Lieutenant JG Mira Jayna
Lieutenant Aenar Torek
Chief Science Officer
1st Lieutenant Kara Melo
Platoon Leader
Ensign Chevy Tuff
Operations Officer
Private Peter Parhtz