Specifications - Cousteau

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Captain's Yacht - Galaxy Runabout (1)


Class Galaxy Type
Duration 100 years
Time Between Refits 0 years
Time Between Resupply 0 years
Class Description Galaxy type saucer sections are equipped with an auxiliary spacecraft normally used for diplomatic missions called the Skipper's Yacht. Much larger then a shuttlecraft, the Skipper's Yacht is mounted on the underside of the ship's saucer section where it remains docked during normal flight operations. Access to the yacht is provided through a dorsal entry hatch affixed to a docking collar on the upper half of the craft. It is essentially divided into two decks, with the bottom deck housing a toroidal driver coil-based impulse propulsion system, two landing legs for planetary landings, a series of aerodyne flight motors for atmospheric flight as well as fuel and maintenance access to various subsystems.

Manned by a normal flight crew of two and one service representative to assist diplomatic guests, the upper deck houses a flight deck, two modest staterooms, flight crew bunks, and a galley. While not equipped with any means of warp propulsion, the Yacht is specially designed so that it can be launched from its parent ships at speeds as high as Warp 7, where it then coasts down to normal impulse speeds. A deflector system and on-board sensor pallets make the craft suitable for short-range travel. Used normally to transport dignitaries to and from a planet's surface when normal transporter use is not possible, the Yacht is capable of atmospheric flight and planetary landing. Entry/egress platforms on both ends of the craft allow the crew to easily enter and exit the craft.

Some modern versions of the Skipper's Yacht are being equipped with two-person short-range transporter systems, while prototype testing of warp-capable yachts still fails basic objective requirements due to the amount of internal reworking caused by the additional hardware, as well as sacrifices in terms of craft internal space and mass. Experimentation continues with membrane-based warp coils, as well as deployable warp nacelles, similar to the Sovereign class Yacht.

Found on:
Nebula Class Heavy Cruiser
Galaxy Class Heavy Cruiser
Ambassador Class Cruiser


Length 18m
Width 10m
Height 8m
Decks 2


Officers 3
Civilians 4

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Light Shielding System