- 43 Mission Posts
Last Post
Tue Sep 27th, 2011 @ 2:23pm
Sergeant Chichire Shintaku
Name Chichire Shintaku
Position Marine Sniper
Rank Sergeant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Caitian | |
Planet of Origin | Earth | |
Age | 23 | |
Birth Date | 2364 | |
Location of Quarters | ||
Player (for PNPCs) |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'9" | |
Weight | 195 | |
Hair Color | Silver | |
Eye Color | Scarlet | |
Skin Color | Tan | |
Physical Description | ||
Accent |
Spouse | N/A | |
Wedding Date | N/A | |
Children | None | |
Father | Deceased | |
Mother | Deceased | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Easy going, and always performs her duties to the best of her ability. She also learned how to play the violin and piano at a young age and plays only when sad or when trying to break the ice with people . |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Very honor bound and has a short fuse when it comes and family and friends and will jump straight from calm to a fighting rage, if she feels her honor has been slighted. she is also very flat headed and understanding of others. esper dead people can not use mindmealt or talk telepathicly to her |
Ambitions | To be the best Sniper and Fighter Pilot there is. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Drawing, collecting weapons. | |
Languages | Japanese, German, Fed Standard, Klingon |
Personal History | befor joining the marines she was a haker and a trouble shooter for hire knowen for her to kill any thing she aimed at as well as her mastery over many differnt wepones, dimilisions, computer hacking raido and transmisson coding and decoding as well as tactics she is even nortouris for her ability to get in and out places to colacet intel as a scout she the she might be of help to others with her ability so joind the armed forces |
Education | raido and transmission coding and decoding all know radios for the past 50 years milatry tactics for over most knowen milaitry arms to date as well as older army like the romens dimolitions by her father who was there planet black op's captin as well as shoot ing differnt wepones as well as her ability to collect intel as a scout |
Service Record | 2381 - Enters the Marine Basic Coursse, then goes into the Marine Advanced Marksmanship Course. Graduates at the top of her class 2381 - 2382 - Serves on board the USS Hokkaido as a Marine. (Private) 2382 - 2386 - Serves aboard the USS Honshu as a Marine Sniper. (Private First Class) and became a corporal quickly because of her skills and her help on every mmission that she thought she could help on as such was found to be used as often as possibly 2386 - 2387 - Serves aboard the USS Eclipse as a Marine Sniper/Squad Leader. (Corporal) she asked for a tansfer due to haterd of her co and peers showed her for a year long befor geting her transfer 2387 - Present - Transferred aboard the USS Orion/Calypso as a Marine Sniper. (Corporal) |