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Sat Dec 19th, 2009 @ 8:34am

Lieutenant Chris Brooks

Name Chris Brooks

Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Planet of Origin
Age 30
Birth Date
Location of Quarters
Player (for PNPCs)

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 215 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gray
Skin Color
Physical Description Chris is tall at 6'3", His body is hard do to his excellent exercise program. He keeps his hair fairly short and has some facial hair. Chris thinks his looks are like the average Joe.


Spouse Lora (Divorced)
Wedding Date
Father Laurence Books (Rear Admiral)
Mother Diane Brooks (Doctor, Retired)
Brother(s) Terry 30 Twin (Starfleet) David 27 (Marines) Thomas 25(Starfleet)
Sister(s) Denise 23 (Starfleet)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Chris is friendly and outgoing, but is sometimes quiet. Chris is compassionate and carrying, and respectful. Chris has been through enough close calls to know that life is too short to sit around and do nothing. He tends to be active and enjoys being with friends enjoying a good movie or a nice holodeck program.

Strengths & Weaknesses +Intelligent

- can be impulsive

Ambitions To have a family and Command of his own one day and possibly follow in his father's footsteps.
Hobbies & Interests Plays Piano
Six String Guitars
Enjoys various out door activities
Some variations of Martial Arts
Listening to Jazz Music
Watching Movies
Languages Federation English, Some French, Spanish and Dutch.

Personal History Born on January 3 2356 to Laurence and Diane Brooks in Palm Springs California. Chris was raised on ships and around the Academy. Chris is the oldest of four. He began to take on responsibilities early by taking care of his brothers and sister. The family move around quite a bit from Starship to Starship to Academy. For the most part, Chris had a happy healthy child hood. Chris married his High school sweetheart right after high school and before the Academy. They applied to the Academy together and continued their marriage.

After the graduation Chris was assigned to the USS Concord and Lora was assigned to the USS Jupiter. They continued to write to each other for several months to keep up the hope that one day they would be together, but it would never be. In April 2378 Chris was shot down in his Valkyrie over Talos 4 and was listed as KIA, Lora received word of Chris' death and began to move on with her life. For 6 months Chris held prisoner of Romulan Soldiers.

It wasn't until Star Fleet attacked the fortified Ronulan outpost did they find Chris alive. After Chris returned to Star Fleet, he found out that Lora had moved on and remarried. He thought that it best that she not know that he was still alive, so he opted not to inform her. After one month of debriefing and medical testing for his flight status, he was returned to the Concord and continued to fly Valkyries . His records indicate that he has 32 confirmed kills and 6 unconfirmed kills.

In April 2380 Chris was promoted to Lieutenant JG. In March 2382 Chris was promoted to Lieutenant and was assigned to the USS Delaware 33rd Fight Squadron as XO and continued to fly Valkyries. The Delaware primarily patrolled the neural zone to make sure the Romulans didn't take advantage during the years following the Dominion war.

In February 2383 Chris was assigned to the USS Valkyrie as the 163rd Fighter Wing XO, where he met Lieutenant Maria Cruz, Chief Engineer of the Valkyrie and they began to date. Answering a distress call from the Onyx, a disabled science vessel, an Engineering team lead by Lieutenant Cruz went over. On their return she was different and one month later transferred to the USS Freedom with out telling Chris why.

In May 2385 Chris was assigned as Chief Fight Control Officer to the USS Accelerator, A Defiant class starship that patrolled the neutral zone harassing Romulan vessels that wondered too close to Federation space. In June 2386 the Accelerator discovered a Romulan outpost in the neutral zone and was drawn in to investigate. It turned out to be a trap and the Accelerator was force down on Solana 2, in which the survivors were hunted in a sick game, by Romulan Special Forces.

Being the last remaining senior officer Chris led the remaining Security Officers in a counter attack force using guerrilla tactics to harass the Romulan soldiers. The small group of security officers led by Chris was able to steal a Romulan transport and escape the planet. Thirty five out of one hundred twenty survived the situation. The survivors spent the next several months being debriefed and recovery which let to an assault on the Romulan base. Chris being the highest ranking officer was tride for the action of his Commanding Officer and was court marshaled. The court claimed that they took into account that he rescued the survivors and gave Star Fleet the location of the secret base. Only a reduction in rank was the punishment. For Chris it was too much. He had only been following orders of his Commanding Officer. Chris is happiest in the seat of a fighter or high tech shuttle, but smaller, more nimble Starships are acceptable.

Service Record August 2374-January2378 Academy

February 2378- March 2380, Assigned to USS Concord, Ensign, 101st Fighter Wing
(The Wild Things)

April 2380- February 2382, Assigned to USS Concord, Lieutenant JG, 101st Fighter Wing (The Wild Things)

March 2382-January 2383 Assigned to USS Delaware, Lieutenant, 33rd Fight Squadron XO
(The Fighting Falcons)

February 2383- April 2385 Assigned to USS Valkyrie, Lieutenant, 163rd Fighter Wing XO

May 2385-June 2386 Assigned to USS Accelerator, Lieutenant, Chief Flight Operations.