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Sun Jul 13th, 2014 @ 6:05am


Name Gaia

Position Lounge Manager

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El Aurian
Planet of Origin El Aurian
Age 81
Birth Date Jan 28, 2317
Location of Quarters
Player (for PNPCs) Michelle

Physical Appearance

Height 5' - 1"
Weight 123 #
Hair Color DarkBlonde/Brunette
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color
Physical Description The young El'Aurian is a slender, brunette, tawny colored eyes who appears in her 20's to most Terrans. Driven by the same spirit that drove her grandfather, she is an energetic, driven to succeed in all endeavors. She has a try it, again attitude. Her patience to see things through may make her seem that she is a bit of a perfectionist. She has a natural charismatic smile that seems to put those she deals with at ease. She loves to talk and listen to others as they tell her of their experiences.



Wedding Date
Father deceased - assimilated
Mother deceased - assimilated
Sister(s) Maia (twin)
Other Family Grandfather Teji

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses +Accepting attitude of others, races beliefs etc.
-shrug don’t know
Ambitions Enjoy life to its fullest
Hobbies & Interests dessert... and dessert and more desserts...

plants, gardening

Languages Terran, El-Aurian As for the rest... well isn't that what the universal translator is for? =)

Personal History Gaia and Maia (her twin) were raised by their grandfather known as Teji but to others he is known as Bazinga. Teji took the twins (approximately age 7 by Terran standard) with him on a trip to one of the newly established Bazinga Establishments during a holiday break from their studies. The Bazinga was geared towards children to have fun. While away on that trip, the unthinkable happened. Their remaining family (Grandmother, Father, Mother & other few siblings) was assimilated by the Borg.

Time Frame: This may or may not have been on the El'Aurians home planet. The Borg have assimilated many planets, ships and species. Her grandfather was quite an entrepreneur and started the "Bazinga Establishments" (type of mixed restaurant/bar with games/gambling area perhaps even a holosuite or 2 in some locations. Each is unique hence the "Bazinga") many places while he was a young man.

Teji has had many dealing with many species/cultures as he has worked to try and establish a Bazinga every where he has gone. The girls were raised by a nanny (many in fact) of sorts. They were allowed to travel with him to some of the well known Bazinga sites in safe areas. They have a diverse but accepting attitude of others of different types of species and cultures. Each culture/species has added its own flair to each Bazinga Establishment, be it a special food or beverage, that is now a periodic special at each establishment today.

These establishments are doing quite well and the twins and their grandfather have never worried about needing funds or fear for their lively hood. Gaia has followed in her grandfathers footsteps, and she has helped run many of the Bazinga Establishments. It is why she is a Chef/Lounge Manager. You almost can’t do one without the other at a Bazingas

She had spent most of her time in the kitchen cooking and learning some of the recipes that are used as part of her duties. Her sister, often handled the management side of things. But Gaia realized that she loved to cook and took time away (many years to other humanoids) from the business to gain a better education in that area, on Earth, on Bajor and other planets before heading back into the business.

Her grandfather now feels she is ready to have her own establishment and has made arrangements for a Bazinga to be established on Paradise IV. He has put some basics in place. Establishing ownership of the local, taking care of the business side of it. Basics of the building and his thoughts have been started and he has now sent Gaia to make it her own.

As the establishment has met difficulties on Paradise the young chef, restaurant owner had learned many things. One of which is it is time to expand.

The USS Calypso is the next step in endeavor.

Service Record Not in Star Fleet