September Awards
Posted on Mon Oct 11th, 2010 @ 6:24am by Commodore Samantha York
First, happy Binary Day! (10/10/10) And, what's really great for those of us who read Hitchhiker's Guide, 101010 = 42! So, binary is the answer to Life, the Univers & Everything! Woo hoo!
Happy Columbis Day to the Americans and Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians!
You all did an amazing job in September. The USS Calypso won the Gold Unit of Distinction Award from Theta Fleet. (Wayto go!)
The Calypso had 152 posts for the month of September.
Silver went to the USS Derecho.
Bronze went to the USS Wasp and the USS Palamedes.
Longevity Awards:
Leann Bowen: one year
Nava: six months
Erin Tal: six months.
FIXED: I said Lorne Mangalia won a longevity medal. It was Lorne Jaxara.
On August 31, the sim passed its one year mark. Last week, it passed its six month mark as the USS Calypso.
Congratulations to all ofyou for helping make this the best sim in the fleet!
Posting Awards:
Leanne: 100
Delon: 50 and 100
Karma: 50
Kaj: 50
Lorne: 50
Nava: 50
Erin: 50
NPC Awards:
Character Development:
Distinguished Volunteer
Captain's Honor Ribbon
Duane Ribbon
Improvement Ribbon
Calypso Player of the Month:
Category: General News