A Sad Departure
Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 9:22am by Commodore Samantha York
John (John Sheridan) started a new job last month. He was hoping to continue simming at his previous level, but his new job has taken up more of his time than he previous thought.
He will be dropping all but two of his sims. He is CO of one of them and the other is his first ship.
I agree with his decision.
Unfortunately, that means he will be laving the Calypso as XO. I will talk this over with Cole (Damon) as he is the current 2nd Officer, but we will probably be looking for a new XO in July.
On a positive note, John had throat surgery on Tuesday and a mass was removed. It was not cancerous and he is going to make a full recovery (yay!).
Category: General News